Her name is Alpha -8

58 2 0

Speech = ''...''
Thoughts = [... }


Treading through the forest had been a silent and calm though rather uneventful experience on its own.

Of course she enjoyed the sight of nature, the way the cool albeit dry air of morning brushed against her face. How her hair tended to float behind her as if held by invisible threads before falling down against her back or the way her ears perked and twitching softly at the sound of birds chirping happily around her.

A timid smile had warped around her features as she took in the experience, still marvelled at how such mundane things felt and tasted so different now. As if she had been offered a cup of fresh water after having to tread through a dessert for days on end.

Speaking of which...., she was sure she could sense the world around her even better than before. The shades and colours came to her more vibrantly and brightly than she remembered, marking her surroundings came with a rather beautiful palette of tones that otherwise would have been ignored.

The air brought her the different aromas of the dried, rough texture of the trees around her or the cool, humid soil where leafs and roots were covered in thick layers of moss. Her ears were even capable to make heads of the distant whisper of the air and from where the current was going and from where as it gushed and brushed against bushes and branches in its way...her eyes almost picking on the individual spots of dust floating in the air.

Every time her eyes opened, every time she breathed in the air around her...she was filled with something new. It all felt as if she had been living with a veil covering her face only for it to drop down these last few days.

At first it had been a bit overwhelming..., or she believed it had, but the more time that passed, the more she became used to it and enjoyed it. Not really knowing that it wasn't just a different take on reality that had made her appreciate this things more than before, but also the fact that her senses had become more and more sharper by the energy inside her...

Truly, she was thankful to be alive..., and even more grateful to the one that had given her the chance to experience such joys once again.

Her azure eyes had locked time and time again in the form of her saviour. Catching brief glimpses of the way he moved and held himself as he moved through the foil of the forest.

Even with his size he moved with a particular grace, his steps inaudible as if he was a ghost rather than a man while an air of determination wrapped around him. Seemingly demanding her and emboldening her to follow wherever he went...

And so she did. Finding comfort in his presence as the two made their way onwards towards the location that her master surely knew and wanted to find or show her while she tried to maintain her balance and the sword resting over her head still at all times..

A challenging situation to be sure, and a task she had never heard before, but she had welcome it all the same. In fact, she came to understand the need for it.

A practice in futility...

Not really a task where she was meant to be working the muscles of her body, but rather her mind.

After all, there was no way she could keep the sword over her head for hours on end, especially not while trying to move at the same speed his master was. Her small legs having trouble to reach and match his simple long strides.

But that was not what had bothered her, no..., there was something wrong in the air. Something had changed even though everything appeared to be the same.

An Eminence? No, I am just a reaper (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now