Her name is Alpha-2

105 3 1

Speech = ''.....''

Thoughts = [... ...]


''W-where am I..?

She muttered softly, the words coming out through her lips before she even had realized that had taken place as she felt herself being drag into a strange world. And strange it was...

That was the first thing that came to her mind as the world around her slowly ceased to be a blur of darkness and light and gained more and more definition. First taking notice of the walls of stone and wood around her, then the beams of light and the sound of the wind softly howling in the outside, bathing her in their ethereal embrace.

She almost could see each and every speck of dust hanging in the air, floating without purpose or direction...., the cracks in the walls, the smooth surface of the wooden pillars in the ceiling, the different shades of light in which the beams of light entered into her view...

She did not know why, but everything felt so simple.., so calm. And yet, everything felt somehow...

Her chest heavy with a mysterious apprehension, yet her heart throbbed calmly as her ears perked at is sound. Her fingers felt cold and warm, as if she was drenching them within the confines of a pool of cold, icy waters while holding a hot steaming coal between her fingers...

She started to lean over, taking a slow deep breath before rubbing her head. Small, slender fingers gracing and stroking locks of golden of her mane as she tried to find away to ease the ache in her head. As far as she knew there was nothing there to warrant such strange feeling. She was merely resting on a strange coloured bed in an abandoned house, nothing else...

The metallic scent of copper and burnt out ashes reaching her softly, making her face crease with confusion given the fact that she could not see any reason why she had sensed that..

''How strang-..''

Her words died out in her throat, leaving nothing but a pained choking sound to escape through her lops as realization dawned in her like a hammer. Something that had escaped her notice thanks to the dizziness in her mind and the fact it was trying to reboot in an effort to normalize everything around her.

Her neck rotating painfully slow to the side while her eyes opened wide to comically proportions, blue pupils shirking to the size of a pin, taking unbeknownst to her a shade of bright crimson for a brief moment as they stared shocked at culprit behind the sudden increase of her heartbeat a thousand times over.

Her hand...

She could feel sweat trail down her forehead, her throat clenching tightly, robbing her of her voice as she found herself lost staring at her limb, flexing and clenching her fingers with great caution, almost fearful as if a simple brush of air could wipe them away. Take them away from her

She was brought to her senses when she felt the cool touch of tears slid down her cheeks and drop down over her hands.

It was...., it really was her hand. Not a deformed mass of rotten flesh that had tore through bone and flesh and left the entire limb useless as it ate away her nerves like a pack of hungry termites, but her own albeit slightly more pale original limb..

A thousand thoughts crossed her mind as she could not pry her gaze away from it, and how couldn't she when the last thing she remembered was the monstrosity that had taken its place? Her mouth open wide, gawking like a fool as she had no words to say at what her eyes were witnessing would have been the mildest of reactions...

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