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I got spiraled into a whirlwind of things that needed to be taken care of. I had to sell or throw away the stuff I couldn't take with me. Cancel the lease on my appartment. Get my traveling documents in order. And ofcourse say my goodbyes and explain to the few friends I had, why I was leaving so suddenly, with no real plans of ever moving back to London. My inlaws were...confused at the very least. They had no idea I met Harry, no idea who he was and no idea what it meant to be his P.A. Though truthfully I wasn't too sure about that last part myself. Either way, my inlaws thought a change of scenery would be good for me and wished me luck. In the meantime Jeffrey tried to get my Visa  sorted out as my green card would take longer, even with the strings he could pull, so I needed atleast a working Visa.

I needed to sign a contract, wich had me a little dizzy, because it was a thick thing to read through and there were so much details in there, my head hurt from reading all of it. It included my salary, wich was ridiculously massive by the way, details where I would live and ofcourse a whole lot of rules on how to behave around Harry, how to deal with press and how I was not supposed to spill any beans about Harry. And the subtle threat what would happen if I DID spill any beans. Basically I would be sued to the point of having to sell my soul to the devil to pay them. Not that I was planning on  spilling anything anyway. I still hadn't recovered from spraying my tea all over Harry's rug.

Harry wrapped up his tour four months after my 'job interview' and came back to London to put his own signature under the contract. I packed my suitcases. He spend some time with his family and friends in London. And we set a date and time to meet at the airport. The date would hardly be six months after our meeting in his hotel penthouse in Norway and those six months had been a rollercoaster. I didn't quite grasp that this was real. Harry was very professional about the whole arrangement but I felt like I was high the whole time.

On the afternoon of our last day in London, Harry called me. It was so unreal that we had eachothers number.

"Hey love, I was wondering if you were done packing yet?"

"I've been done for weeks, why?"

"Jeffrey and I thought we'd better pick you up at your place tomorrow morning. Press keeps a close eye on London airport for several reasons, among other things hoping they'll see me in company of someone. If we would meet up at the airport they would definitely see you with me. If we pick you up we can kind of use the private parking spot and stay out of view a bit. We'll be taking my private jet anyway."

 Ofcourse he just have a private jet like that. Totally not a big deal to just drop that bomb.

"I get it. Shall I text Steven my adress then?"

Steven was kind of Harry's personal bodyguard and driver, so he was always nearby or at hand. Having his number was essential if I wanted to do a good job at being Harry's P.A, because it meant I had to work closely with Steven too.

"That would be perfect, yea. See you tomorrow then."

I had a hard time falling asleep that evening. It had been such a hectic time ever since I agreed to go to L.A, but now it was so close. All packed and ready to go. Now I got nervous. I had never been to the U.S, so obviously not to L.A either, and I would only know Harry there. I had been in an airplane, but never that long. What was I going to do the entire flight? What would Harry do?


Next morning at 10 a.m sharp I heard the car horn. I had stayed with my inlaws for a couple of months since I already moved out of my appartment so I hugged them one last time, grabbed my suitcases and closed the door behind me. It felt symbolic. I closed the door to my previous life. Though the memories would stay, this was a new beginning. And that was a good thing. I think.
Steven took the luggage from me and put it in the car. He held the door to the backseat open, wich had me confused, because I expected to be seated in the front, but Harry beamed his dimpled smile at me, so I guess I was sitting with Harry.

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