For the love of Niall Horan

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The first time I go to Niall by myself is awkward. Niall does not make his infatuation with me a secret, and even though he keeps his end to the deal and we spend all of my free day practicing several music instruments and singing, he does manage to sneak in flirty remarks when I don't expect them. And I really don't think I'm imagining it if it keeps happening the next thursday and the thursday after that, or every other thursday. Week after week, Niall charms me with his fingers gently strumming his guitar when he tries to show me the grip I need to use on the neck, or on the piano when he plays a few keys that he wants me to repeat. He charms me with his voice when we sing a duet together to warm up my voice for his actual coaching lessons. And he insists on speaking Irish for atleast an hour every thursday, to improve my pronounciation, even though he laughs when I completely mess up a difficult word. I also can't pretend it is not getting to me. When it comes to looks, he is not quite Harry Styles, but I'd never see myself dating or marrying Harry. Niall is sweet, domestic, down to earth, and his Irish humor envigorates me like a fresh summer breeze. And Niall is very handsome. His laugh is obnoxious and boisterous, and at first it seems like he holds himself back from laughing too hard, as if he has been told too many times that it's not attractive. But today, he makes me laugh. And I laugh louder than I ever have, more obnoxious than I ever have. I burst out laughing with a loud "HAHAHAHA", and when I try to hold it back to catch my breath, I completely emberass myself by snorting like a pig. I can't remember the last time I did that, and my cheeks get hot from blushing, as my laughter immediately dies out.
But Niall grins at me.
"Oh my god, that was the best laugh I have ever heard. And that little snort. So cute. I did not think anyone else could be as obnoxious with laughter as I am, but you might give me a run for my money. We're a good match, we."
It makes no sense. You don't choose a partner based on boisterous laughing. But he does have a point. Niall and I would always be able to be ourselves around eachother, because we have this in common. Why be ashamed of the way you laugh when your partner is just as loud?
But I can't let myself like him just yet. There is so much we would need to talk about.
"Niall." I say hesitantly, although I know it is best to get this out of the air.
Niall looks up from his guitar with a kind smile like only he has.
"Yes, my siren?"
He is not making this easy. I take a deep breath and Niall straightens up, realizing I'm trying to get something off my chest.
"Niall, I don't think I'm fooling myself if I think you like me."
Niall smiles slightly, seemingly unsure of what will follow, but he nods.
"I do like you. You're funny, smart, energetic and friendly. You help Harry a lot, and you have been dealing with the hate from the fandom like a champ. You're a strong, kind and amazing woman. And you're very beautiful. So, no. You're not fooling yourself. I do like you."
Well. At least that's out on the table then. No need to wonder if. He just said it. But I am not done.
"You know what happened between me and Harry and I still live with him. Does that not bother you?"
Niall puts down his guitar and intertwines his fingers, resting his elbows on his knees. He looks at his hands as he answers me.
"You both said there is nothing between you two; that it just happened in the heat of the moment. Was that a lie?"
I shake my head, but Niall isn't looking at me still, so I will have to use my words for this.
"No, it was not. It had been five years since my husband died and I hadn't been with anyone in that time. It was touchdeprivation. For both of us maybe, because Harry said it had been a while for him too. And for me, it was sexual frustration because there is only so much you can do with sextoys. For him it was probably an attempt to connect, though I don't think anyone else but Louis will actually sattisfy him."
Now Niall looks up. He is slowly nodding while he processes my words.
"So, basically, you were both horny and available."
I chuckle, a little shocked at his directness, but he is not wrong.
"Yes. That's all it was. I care about him, but I could never be in a relationship with him, and I am certain I am not what he wants."
Niall nods again.
"Yea, I know. They're both stubborn, but I know they would get married if they gave each other an honest chance. But speaking of Lou, what's going on there? He sent you a massive bouquet of flowers, and obviously you talk to him sometimes."
I hesitate a little before I answer. I don't know how much I should tell, but I want to give Niall an honest chance. I think we could be good together if I dared to let him in, but then I need to be open and honest with him.
"Well, you already know I saved his son. You reas the card. But yes, we talk sometimes. Text mostly. He asks me how Harry is doing, I try to make him realize Harry still likes him too. It's been a pain, because Harry doesn't know any of it."
Niall frowns and makes a face I have seen on videos a few times when he is thinking.
"So you're sort of priming them to get back together?"
I shake my head.
"I hadn't even thought about that yet. At the moment I'm just trying to get them to talk. Louis is willing enough, but Harry wants none of that."
Niall purses his lips and then smiles his teeth bare at me.
"They don't call me captain Niall for nothing. I'll help if I can. But the question is how. We can't exactly just put them in a room together, can we?"
I giggle a little, because that thought had crossed my mind, but I know it would be stooping low to do that.
"We could, but I don't want to sink that low. Harry has to want to talk to him, has to realize there is still something left to save of the broken pieces left after their break-up. But even if he realizes that, even if they want to be together, Harry is still in contract with Jeff, for almost another year. I don't think he'd want to have a relationship in the closet again."
Niall shakes his head with a sad expression, and though he doesn't say another word about it, it's enough to tell me that if we manage to get Larry back together, we need to free Harry too. Which brings me to another topic.
"You know I'm his plus one at the MET gala. Jeff decided we should sort of "break-up" shortly afterwards, because Jeff doesn't want me as Harry's stunt, and honestly, I don't want to be. Especially if we might try to give 'us' a shot. But that would mean we can't be public before the MET. "
Niall looks unhappy about that, but he nods either way.
"I'm glad you managed to keep him out of another stunt. Now he can go with a friend that everyone already knows, and actually enjoy himself. The stunts have always torn away at him; he hates it. But, though I think you just said you want to give us a chance, it is fucked up we can't be public."
I bite my lip, not sure what to say, and we spend a couple of minutes in silence, both occupied by our own thoughts. And then something occurs to me.
"Your fans seem to think I'm involved in some One Direction reunion. We could go out in public, as long as we don't get touchy, maybe sometimes go together with Harry. And Jeff wants me and Harry to "break up" after the MET anyway. So if we're seen kissing the day after, then the media has no choice but to assume I am the one cheating on Harry, so they can't blame our break up on him."
Niall gawks at me with open mouth.
"You'd do that? Jeff will fire you! He will never accept that. His whole "Harry-Image-Scheme has been about making Harry look like an adulterous womanizer, who isn't sattisfied with just one woman. If we did that, and I happily will, the media will picture you as an adulterous woman, who broke Harry's heart. The fans will hate you for dating him, but even more for hurting him."
I smile, because I already know my plans, and if what Louis told me about Simon is true, and I have no reason to believe it's not, this will all explode before July next year.
"And when someone who is not payed by Jeff interviews me, I will give them the honest answer. Plus, Harry and I will have three weeks off after the MET, so he can unwind before he has to prepare for his minitour in August and September next year, and Harry and I are taking seprate vacations. So, I planned something, with Louis' help."
Niall looks at me questioningly, and if I'm honest, he looks worried.
"Lilly, please don't do anything stupid. What are you and Louis planning?"
I take another deep breath, but now that I have brought it up, I have to tell him.
"I'm going to audition for the X-factor in June."
"You WHAT?"

To say Niall is unhappy with my plan is an understatement. But after I explained to him why I was doing it, and what the motivation behind it was, he agreed that, though very dramatic, our plan would definitely make an impact. And when he heard what Louis' part of the plan was, he grinned widely.
"I'm in. I have some dirt on Simon myself. And I'll call Zayn and Liam to see if they want in as well. They were both really affected by Simon and Modest, and they might be too traumatized to do anything at this time. But I will ask them. After all, we went through it together. We should end it together."
I smile at him, grateful for his support, though I never doubted he would join the cause. This has to end. Simon's manipulation, his control, the NDA'S. It all has to stop. We have to make a judge see that the NDA'S should not be allowed to be legally valid.
"Thank you Niall. We need as much people on our side as we can get. That's why I have to do this, in the hopes that someone has his phone on him, or someone from the crew has the guts to leak the footage. I am the only one who can. You guys are tied to NDA'S. I'm only tied to an NDA that tells me not to blab about Harry. I won't even have to mention Harry for this."
Niall nods.
"I know. I will take some time off back in Ireland around the auditions. If you want you can join me there when it's done."
He glances at me hopefully, and I smile back at him.
"I would love that."
Niall scoots closer to me and grabs one of my hands. My heart starts racing and my breath hitches nervously as Niall leans in. I lean forward to close the distance myself, softly pressing my lips to Niall's. My heart starts pounding in my chest as Niall rests his other hand in my neck and pulls me in closer, and before I know what happens, I feel his tongue on my lower lip, and my southern regions tingle as we share a heated, passionate French kiss. I stradle him and he pulls me against his chest as we kiss feverishly, his hand rubbing my back firmly, his fingers pressing into the slightly meaty parts on my hips.
"Ni..." I whisper as I slightly pull back.
"I don't want to rush it. Do you mind taking it slow?"
He softly pecks my lips and shakes his head, hugging me tightly to his chest.
"I don't mind at all. As long as you give me a fair chance and I get to call you my girl."
I giggle girlishly in his neck and gently kiss him right under his ear.
"I will, and you may."

A few days later we're all on Harry's couch, watching the preshow of the Brits; a short programm where the host of the comming Brit awards will anounce the nominees. We know there is a good chance Harry gets nominated, considering his recently wrapped up tour, and signing sessions he had since then. That, and the fact that he has a massive fanbase. But so do Niall and Louis, and both were on the voting list to get nominated for an award too. I am not exactly sure how it works. The top five or top ten nominees proceed to the actual awards I think, and in the meantime, the voting continues. A week before the actual Brit Awards the votes get counted one final time, and then the winner gets the award. The fandom has been going crazy, because this might possibly mean a partial One Direction reunion, and the voting has been gpin crazy, especially since all three of them are in the race in several categories.
Harry smiles as I snuggle up to Niall, as this is one of the only places where we don't have to hide. Niall and I told Harry immediately that we are officially dating but keep a low profile until the MET is over, and he was so happy for us, he almost started crying.
So now the three of us excitedly watch the screen as the host appears on stage and starts listing categories and nominees. And then come the catagories we've been waiting for, and we are as quiet as mice.
"The nominees for best new album are...."
There is a drumroll as the host opens the envelop. He starts listing names that I forget instantly because they're not the names I'm waiting for, and then...
"Niall Horan with The Show. Harry Styles with Harry's House. And last but not least....Louis Tomlinson with Faith in the Future!"
We can't believe our ears. Niall immediately starts texting Louis, I congratulate Harry, and then we have a little group hug as we jump around the room.
The host continues with the category "best tour" where again all three of the boys are nominated, and Harry and Louis both have a nomination for "best fandom", although Harry says that that award should go to his fans, and he have them share it on roulation if he could.
Nominated for several awards. The coming Brits will be fenomenal.

That night, and the whole week after, Twitter and TikTok go crazy with fans screaming and celebrating the nominations, hoping all three boys will show up. And one text to Louis at least gives me one guarantee. Louis and Harry will meet at the Brits.

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