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With a loud scream I tried to sit upright in bed but apparently I wrapped myself in my blanket during the night so I ended up falling off the bed with a surprisingly loud thud, my feet still tangled in the blanket.


I tried to reach my phone. And failed quite miserably.


"Oh dammit. Shut up! I'm already awake!"

I finally managed to turn my alarm off and the second I did, Harry busted into my bedroom.

"What's going on? What happened? Wait- why are you on the floor?"

"I fell."

Harry chuckled at me stating the obvious. I rolled onto my back and sat up, relieved I actually remembered to put on an extra long pyjamashirt last night so I wasn't flashing Harry. Though he was totally flashing me at the moment.

"Good god, Harry! Slacks!"

He laughed softly.

"I told you I sleep naked. I heard you scream and fall, I thought you might need help. Did I hear Louis?"

I nodded with my eyes closed considering Harry didn't even have the courtesy to turn around. Though then I would be staring at his ass, wich I'm not sure would be any better.

"Yea, that was my alarm going off. Does wake you up, don't it? But if it bothers you I'll change it. Plenty of music to wake up to."

"Do what you want. Do you always jump scare yourself to wake up?"

"Are you going to put on slacks so I can open my eyes?"

Harry yawned.

"No. It's six a.m, you crazy woman. It's way too early. I'm going back to bed."

I heard the door close and carefully peeked with one eye to see if he was really gone. Seeing he was gone,  I opened my eyes fully and got up from the floor. I took of my pyjama shirt and threw it on the bed, shivering slightly at the temperature in the room. I had never been able to sleep in a heated room, but it made waking up a little unpleasant. I went to my en suite bathroom to do my bussiness, brush my teeth and wash my face. I wasn't going to shower, because I was used to doing a morning workout, so I'd better shower after. I grabbed a large towel and went back into the bedroom to go to my suitcases. I slipped out of my panties and into my bathing suit and dashed downstairs, going straight outside to the pool, putting the towel on one of the lounge chairs. The morning air was chilly and I just knew the pool would be cold too, otherwise there would've been some steam forming on the surface. I took a deep breath and dove in, shortly shivering at the cold water but warming up quickly as I swam some laps. When I got out I quickly dried off to prevent myself from getting too cold and watched as the sun came up over the hills. I got down on the grass onto a planking position and started doing push-ups. Just as I got to ten, Harry dropped on his hands next to me and started doing push-ups as well.

"Thought you were going back to sleep?" I said as I slightly panted a bit.

"My bedroom is right above the pool. I heard you dive in. I thought you fell in, because I can't imagine you'd wanna swim when the pool heater is off, so I was looking at you from the balcony and decided to join you."

I rolled onto my back and smoothly transitioned into sit ups. Harry copied my actions and I glanced to the side to look at his toned body. Atleast he was wearing joggings now.

"Enjoying the view?"

I blushed and looked away.

"No, I was admiring your good form."

Harry fell back onto the grass, laughing.

"I meant the sunset over the hills."

Shit. Some way to rat yourself out, Lilly.

"I don't mind if you check me out though."

Allright. That's it. I quickly stood up and brushed some dirt and grass off of my body without looking at him.

"I'll go take a shower and then I'll make us breakfast."

As I left, I would swear I heard him laughing. Harry was the sweetest, but after five years of being completely untouched, the proximity was already enough to set me on fire. And I really could NOT be drooling over my boss.


After breakfast I sat down at the kitchen table opposite of Harry.

"So, with no official plans, what are we doing today?"

Harry looks up at me and raises one eyebrow.

"For starters, lets get you decently settled. You haven't unpacked yet I noticed. So lets do that first. Then I guess I should show you around the neighborhood. Jeff had headquarters post an official statement about you being my p.a, early this morning. Paps will still take photos, but atleast they won't speculate about it. I think. And on our way back we should probably pick up the loads of fanmail. I'd rather read that at home to be honest."

"Allright", I say as I get up. "Unpack first then."

Harry follows me upstairs to my room and immediately grabs a big suitcase full of clothes and starts unpacking. He neatly puts everything into my closet, more neatly than I would've done it probably, as I start unpacking some framed pictures and put them on the shelves and nightstands. When Harry is done with the biggest suitcase he grabs a bright pink bag.

"NO! Not that one!" I scream at him. He looks up at me in surprise.

"What? Why not?"

I stutter and stamble with a blush burning on my cheeks.

"Uh- that's uh, that's personal stuff. Lady stuff."

Harry frowns and smirks at me.

"I don't mind. I know women need certain products."

Well, yes, he's right ofcourse, but I already unpacked those. What he's holding is my bag with my dildo and vibrator collection in it. Yes, a collection. What can I say? After five years of being romantically uninvolved and sexually untouched, the body has certain needs, you know.

"Well I DO mind. Give me that!"

He gives it to me with a smile, and shrugs as he moves on to a box. I quickly stuff the bag in one of the nightstands and when I turn back to him I see him sitting on the bed with the box on his lap and the lid next to him. I walk over and sit next to him as I watch him look through my family photographs. He puts them back into the box gently and closes the lid.

"You should put those in an photobook. But for now I'll put it on top of the closet, allright?"


Harry shows me around the neighborhood. Mostly around his house, how to get to the main road, where the public transport stations are and wich line to take to get to the main shopping malls. We get photographed a few times, and Harry gets recognised by some fans and he takes pictures with them while I keep a respectfull distance.

Harry shows me a few of his favorite places to get coffee or lunch and I take notes of his usual orders for when I need to get them for him. By the time we've covered most of his go-to places, it's already 4 p.m. I'm quite tired from walking around so much, as Harry seems to insist to walk everywhere. He calls Steven to pick us up, and it's almost like Steven was waiting for that, because he's in front of us within 5 minutes. I grab my phone out of my pocket and my wireless headphones from my bag as we get into the car, and look at Harry.

"Mind if I listen to music while we drive? If I can tune out everything, I might be distracted enough to not have a panic attack."

He nods and pats my knee shortly before relaxing into his seat.

"Sure, whatever helps you."


Ten. TEN! Ten massive mailbags full of fanmail. Harry and I were basically surrounded by fanmail on the way back and Harry decided take out would be a better idea than cooking with the amount of catching up he had to do.

So here we are. In his livingroom. Surrounded by fanmail and with sushi and Japanese ricetable dishes on the coffeetable. Harry even bought a bottle of sake when he heard me say I liked it. We both sit on the couch and grab a bag of fanmail. I look at Harry.

"How do we do this?"

He looks at the bag he has between his legs and looks back at me.

"Well.....One piece at a time. Open it. Read it or look at it. Sort it."

"Sort how?"

Harry looks at me a little sheepishly and pulls up his shoulders in a very obvious "I don't know " gesture.

"I was hoping you'd have an idea. Usually headquarters does this. But that also means they throw a lot of stuff away before I've even seen it, and I hate that. Fans send it to me. I don't care what it is, it's meant for me."

Harry sounds itritated. I guess it much be frustrating if his management makes the decisions for him. I never realised they controlled him so much. But since he leaves it up to me to think of a sorting system, wich makes sense, because I'm only prereading it for him, I gotta think of something. I sit up straight and put my bussiness face on.

"Allright. Eat and read. Grab a bite. And open your first one as you chew. We'll seperate autograph requests, artwork and gifts and I'll think of the rest when we get to it."

He smiles and nods.

"Sounds good. I love it when you get all bossy and decisive."

I ignore that remark as it sounds too much like an inuendo to me , grab a piece of sushi with wasabi and soy and open an envelop. It's a really long letter, but I can't find an autograph request, so I put it between me and Harry.

"Just a long letter. Guess we get those too."

We spend two hours just getting through those first two bags and by then we already have decent stacks of any genre you can think off. I haven't opened any parcels, but there's loads of them. There's a pile of artwork. Harry has raised his eyebrows at me a few times when I snorted or giggled at some of them but hasn't asked anything yet. When both of our bags are empty and our stomachs full we look around at the different stacks. Harry sighs.

"Allright. I'll sign these", he says as he pats the stack of autograph requests. "You can start opening parcels."

I nod, take a sip of my sake and open a small box. This legitemately feels like Christmas, but none of the packages are for me. Very strange.I find some British candy and look at the date.

"Oh look Harry! Lemon sherbets! And they're still good."

We both take a piece while we move on to our next piece. It's one of those tubes that you'd put a poster in. Probably artwork. Or an actual printed poster of sorts. It's a poster. I blink rapidly as I look at the manip in front of me and blush. This is a very well executed but also a very naughty Larry manip poster. I quickly glance at Harry. Part of me thinks he doesn't want to see this. But I don't want to make that decision for him. His management already does that all the time. So what do I do with this? Harry looks up at me with raised eyebrows.

"What's gotten you so quiet? Did you find panties?"

 "Does that happen?"

 "More than I'd like to admit. Don't change the topic. What you got there?"

 I feel myself blush again, trying really hard not to laugh, and now he's really interested. He sits up straight and looks at the halfly rolled paper in my hands.

 "That bad? Give me that."

 I can't really tell him no, so with shaking hands I hand it over and watch him unroll it. His mouth slightly opens, I can see his hands start trembling and he licks his lips before biting his lower lip. He quickly rolls it back up and tosses it aside.

 "For fucks sake."

 He sighs.

 "Sorry. I should've warned you."

 He shakes his head.

 "No it's allright. Lets just continue."

 Around 11.30 p.m he has signed all of the autograph requests and is reading the letters and looking at the artwork. I see him sort the artwork in two different stacks, though I can't see what he's sorting them on. He does the same with the letters and I do the same with the parcels. There's only 15 pieces of lacy panties, worn. Wich is gross. A couple of used bras, smelling like old sweat with notes saying to wich show the fan wore them. Or how they wore them to a meet and greet and were convinced he was flirting with them. Slightly concerning. Lots of sweets, some unfortunately expired, others still good and delicious. And then there's jewelry, pins, money, clothing items, wich Harry seems to love. At some point I make a noise between a gasp and a snort because I'm both shocked and amused by the very large, white granny panties with an obvious, gross skidmark I'm holding up with a napkin in my fingers to avoid actual contact.

 Harry looks up from a drawing a kid apparently made and bursts out laughing.

 "You should see your face! Hahahaha!"

 I can't really help but smile at his laughing, watching him holding his belly as the tears roll down his face from laughing. Eventually he calms down and lets out an breathless sigh. 

"Goodness. I think we should stop or I'll die laughing." 

I'm exhausted so I don't argue. Harry puts the things he wants to keep in a box and tells me to grab anything I fancy. I grab a big butterfly ring and some really bright blue nailpolish. We leave the other eight mailbags where they are and I get up to go upstairs.

 "G'night Harry."

 "Night Lilly." 

I look over my shoulder before I go up the stairs and see him bend over to grab the rolled up Larry art, unrolling it and staring at it again, and go upstairs smiling. There might be hope for those two just yet.

 That night I sleep with my pillow over my ears, pretending I never heard the exasperated moans coming out of Harry's bedroom.


A.N: Oops? 

Sorry for taking so long to update this one. I have most of the storyline figured out, but it exists in seperate scenes in my head, and I need to put them in order of what is natural to happen first, but also I don't just want to write garbage to string those scenes together. so....bear with me. I'm working on it, even if I don't upload this fic as much as, for example, "Love you, X Lou". 

I might finish my draft for chapter 10 today, but that means I won't be able to upload till monday, because sunday is kind of my familyday. So, hopefully, till monday.

P.S: I had inserted a spicy manip pic to be the Larry fanart thing but Wattpad didn't allow it, so I had to remove it sadly. Just look up your favorite Larry manip instead and Imagine that's the fanart Lilly saw.

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