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Louis: I may have googled you
Me: Why?
Louis: I'm so sorry about what happened to your family. That must have been terrible.
Me: you googled me to find out what happened to my husband. I didn't know you could find that by googling me.
Louis: maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Me: shouldn't have, but it saves me the trouble to tell you. I don't like to talk about it. Obviously.
Louis: i get that. You guys busy?
Me: big project, but we might have this thing done before your birthday. Enjoy the sneak preview.
Me: *picture attached*
Louis: you bitch.


Today we're shooting a little spicier scene for the Fruity perfume. Spicier, because it's Harry, covered in actual juice, surrounded by male and female models in bathing shorts or bikini's, licking the juice off of Harry. It's like I'm watching a messy, fruitkink porn, though the actual result ends up looking like a mash-up between his Lights up music video and his Watermelon Sugar video.

It's incredibly crowded on set, because a lot of the models have their agent with them, and some are apparently succesfull enough to have P.a's of their own. Figuring out how the bussiness works is confusing, but also mildly stroking my ego. Since this is Harry's project, the agents all try to be in Jeffrey's good graces, but since he's not here today, they try to encourage their models to kiss up to me, hoping I'll put in a good word for them, for possible future references. One of them asks about the 'Daddy' commercial when she hears about it, obviously aiming for a spot in that too. I've never been interacting with people as much as I am today.

The p.a's are a whole different story. They seem to follow my lead in everything, in most cases litteraly following me around. And considering I have to deal with agents and models now too, it's quite annoying. At some point I tell them to get out of my way and stay clear off the set untill I tell them otherwise, earning me a thankfull look from the director.

The whole licking fest was shot pretty quickly, considering Harry always looks good and the models knew what was expected, so we moved on to the next short clip that needed to be filmed. It had to look like Harry was on top of a pile of people, completely drenched in juice. In reality it was a sort of piramid construction, cushioned with soft pink, fluffy pillows, with Harry on top and the models and bonusses strategically placed on the steps of the piramid to make it look like it was all human limbs and juice. That ofcourse took a lot of directions, making sure nobody was getting smothered, and a lot of changing positions.

The top 'layer' had to make grabby hands at Harry, grabbing at his arms and legs as if the fictional pile would devour him. All and all it make me think of the death scene of Grenoille in  the movie 'Perfume' , and it gave me the creeps. But hey, art.

After a few hours of trying to get a good shot, the director called cut. The actors, models and Harry stayed in place untill the director would say the shot was good. After all, it would be too hard to get them all in the right position again. There were atleast 50 people sprawled along the sides of the piramid. Probably more.

I looked up at Harry. Harry would never complain. Once he was into his art he fully went for it. But right now I could see he was flushed, and sweating. I quickly marched towards the buffet and grabbed a plate, swiftly loading it with fruit, small sandwiches and some nuts, and grabbed a bottle of water. I was glad I decided to wear pumps today, because I could easily kick them off as I made my way up the piramid carefully, my tight black dress constricting me a little, and numerous limbs there to be cautiously avoided.

It took several minutes to actually reach Harry, who carefully raised himself up on his elbows and looked at me in unrestricted delight."Lilly, you're an angel! I'm parched!"The piramid was slippery from all the juice and colored water, so I crouched down carefully, my dress slipping up to my thighs, as I tried to balance on my feet, and brought the bottle up to my mouth so I could open it with my teeth.

Harry stared at my mouth and then at my thighs. "Well, the tops here must have an amazing view right now, with your skirt riding up like that." He said with a cheeky grin. I felt my face flush and tried to not bother with my dress, but focus on my balance instead. "Shut up, Harry, I'm trying to take care of you."The male model at Harry's right elbow looked up at me with raised eyebrows and then glanced at Harry while I brought the bottle of water to Harry's mouth. He greedily drank the whole thing. Poor Harry."You must be getting along well if you let her talk to you like that." The surprise was heavily coating his words, but Harry just shrugged as he opened his mouth to receive a strawberry. "I know she loves me", he mumbles with his mouth full, not bothering with a further explanation.

I look down at the pile of people, all of them patiently waiting for filming to resume, and see several exasperated faces, tired, worn down, licking their lips. I throw the empty bottle off the set, steadying myself on Harry as I almost lose ballance and scream on the top of my lungs."OI!!! You brainless toddlers! Take care of your models!"The whole group of P.a's looks at me in shock, and only then seems to notice I'm on top of the piramid and why. They all start running around in complete disorganized chaos and I softly curse under my breath. "Coop full of headless chickens, that." I mumble, and the male model from before starts to laugh. "I get why you like her Harry. What a gem."He looks up at me, smiling wide."I'm Thomas. Nice to meet you, mrs Lanshire ""Lilly." I say curtly. "Just Lilly."I look back at Harry to see he's looking at my hand, that apparently landed on the hem of his swimtrunks."Good god! Sorry, Harry!"He laughingly shakes his head. "Rather have you do that than falling over. Can I have another bite?"

I continue to feed him untill his entire plate is empty. Meanwhile the piramid is flocked by headless chickens who think they're P.a's, as they start to feed and rehydrate this ridiculous pile of human bodyparts. The director waits till everyone is refreshed and then asks the assistants to leave the set. I suddenly realise I need to climb down this slippery piramid again, and call out to the young man who took care of Thomas."Hey, Clark Kent! You!" I look down at Thomas. "Thomas, be a sweetheart and call your P.A?"Thomas gives me a puzzled look but does what I ask. Apparently the Clark Kent looking guy is actually called Luke. Luke comes running back, the embodiment of submissive obedience, and looks up at us. Thomas looks up at me, wondering why I need Luke."Luke, catch this plate for me? I think I need two hands to get down."Luke's eyes light up as if he just won the lottery."Yes! Absolutely, misses Lanshire! No problem! Whatever you need!" He shouts excitedly. I grab hold of Harry's shoulder this time as I toss the plate, and then get back to my crouching position, carefully looking around at a spot to put my feet. Just as I think I see a good spot, my foot slips and kicks one of the girls in the shoulder as I faceplant on Harry's butterfly tattoo quite unceremoniously."Oomph."

Harry bursts out laughing and now I'm as red as a beetroot, because the human piramid is looking up at us."Getting a little intimate, Lilly?" Harry asks teasingly and I push myself off of him, only to realise one hand is on his hip and my other on one of his pecks. Oh, mother of all that's holy.I'm also stradling his left thigh, causing my skirt to ride up so far, it barely covers me.Harry smirks at me and then his eyes pop wide open. "Stay still, I have an idea." He turns his face towards the director."Can you have the camera's rolling? I might need to be juiced first though."Someone throws me bottle of juice, since I'm already up there, and I give Harry a questioning look."Try to cover as much as you can. My face, my chest. Go on."I sigh, not sure why he wants me up here, but I squirt the bottle of juice all over him, wiping his juiced hair out of his face when I'm done and tossing the empty bottle at the assisting crew member."Now what?" I ask him. He looks like he's cooking up an idea in his head.

"Okay, listen. Camera is on your right, so lean to your left. Put your right hand on my hip, left hand just below my ribs. When the director says action, I want you to lick the juice off my chest, all the way up to my face, and kiss me.""WHAT?! Harry, are you insane? I can't do that! I'm your P.a!"Thomas leans his head back to look at me."It's just acting. It's just a kiss. What's the big deal?""Thank you Thomas. But I'm not an actress."I look back at Harry in a panic. What's wrong with him, thinking of something like that?

"You just clash with this pile of halfnaked people, it's such a big contrast. Definitely with that simple black dress. It will look so artsy. Please, Lilly.""Oh my god", I huff, but nod. "Fine. But I'm only doing this once, so if it fails, bad luck!"Harry chuckles and nods reasuringly. "Deal."

The director walks up to us, and Harry explains the idea. We need to change the plan a bit as Harry was suposed to lie down completely, so I really have to hover over him, my left hand on his peck again.Good god, I'm gonna die working for him if he keeps doing stuff like this.The director starts calling for silence and when he says action I lean over Harry, as the actors and models grab at his arms and hair. Some actor accidentaly grabs my leg. It's actually kinda nice.

I hover over Harry, my nose almost at his sternum and softly gasp. This is ridiculous. I nervously put my tongue on Harry and I feel him tense up as I slowly lick up to his neck. His head is being pulled back by his hair by one of the actors, so I just lick straight up his Adam's apple. Harry gasps and I still, my body almost completely on top of him as I have to slide forward and try to reach his lips. I realise the other actors are just continuing to do their job, so I continue my way up, over his , thankfully clean shaven, chin, teasing the tip of my tongue at his lower lip in a surge of excitement and adrenaline that makes me feel a bit too confident. Harry locks eyes with me in the most dreamy way, and we both breathe out audibly. And then I press my lips to his, my eyes closed.

Oh, sweet baby.....this is not good for my heart. Or other bodyparts.I feel myself flush allover. Harry's lips are so soft. And everything tastes like fruit. It's such a soft, sweet, tender kiss. And it's been so long since I had a proper kiss. I can't help that this does something to me. Despite my earlier reluctance and nervousness, I enjoy it, and almost feel dissapointed when the director says 'cut'.

I back away from Harry as if I was caught comitting a crime and look away. I know I'm blushing and I just can't look at him."I think that went really well, Lilly", he mutters below me, and I glance at him out of the corner of my eye. His smile is reasuring."If it doesn't look good, we'll leave it out, okay?"I nod and carefully start descending the piramid of models, and when I'm finally off the set, they resume filming a few more shots of the piramid in birdview.The nice lady who's in charge of the costumes, I think her name is Christine, offers to give me a clean dress to go home in, as long as I bring it back next time we're here. I pick a wide skirted summerdress with sunflowers on it and have my little black dress put in a paper back so I can take it home to wash.

Harry decides, just as everyone thought we were done for today, that it would be funny to sensualy eat a banana while looking straight into the camera, completely making his usual "Don't eat a banana in public" statement invalid. The shot is making several people a little queezy, including the cameraman who is directly at the receiving end of Harry's intense stare, as Harry basically deepthroaths the banana before biting off the tip, and he cheekily winks at the camera. It's quite funny to watch the cameraman squirm, but I'm happy I'm not him.

By the time they're done shooting, Harry looks tired but happy. His whole body is covered in fingermarks from the constant grabbing of the piramid shooting, but that's what he likes. This is just a form of love for him, being touched like that. Harry might like being touched more than the average person, even when there's nothing romantic or sexual about it. He's a massive cuddlebug, something he's making me experience first hand, as he hugs me tight as soon as he's showered and dressed."You were amazing, thank you."I hug him back, a lot easier now that he's wearing clothes, and make a dismissing sound."It was your idea. But if I don't like it, you'll take it out, right?""Promise."

The next week we spend discussing the script for the 'Daddy' commercial, while the editing team works their magic on the 'Fruity' material. It is quite a sexy script, considering Harry needs to perform the role of a Daddy convincingly. In my opinion it might be a little over the top, but so is Harry. Jeffrey has tried to hire a topmodel to be Harry's counterpart, but didn't manage to get that contract sorted out, so he had to settle for someone not so famous, but, according to Jeffrey, very beautifull. Harry doesn't really care who he works with, wich is understandable. He's so kind, he usually gets along with everyone.

When, by the end of the week, the editing team is ready, we go to the studio, Jeffrey, Harry and me, to watch the first edition of the commercial. It starts with a flash of short clips, hardly more than a second each, alternating between models licking Harry's body and the human piramid grabbing at him. Then there's the clip of Harry getting splashed with the juice and fruit, catching a strawberry between his lips. More, longer clips of the licking and the piramid, and then there's me, hovering over Harry in my tight black dress, licking his chest and kissing him passionately. I cover my face with my hands. This is so awkward. Harry pulls my hands away, and I see how the editing team has made me dissapear right after the kiss, making it look like I erupted in a splash of juice, the liquid 'covering' the screen. As the juice drips away, there's a picture of the pink bedazzled bottle, with a voice over saying "Fruity, by Harry Styles. Out now."And then we watch Harry looking at us seductively, eating a banana, his cheeky wink, with a typical cartoonish ding sound over it, and then it's done.

"That was horrible", Harry chuckles next to me. "Never eat a banana in public."We all start laughing, apart from Jeffrey, who seems angry about something. He stands behind me and suddenly puts his hand on my shoulder as he whispers in my ear."Nicely working yourself up I see. I thought you were better than this, mrs Lanshire."I freeze, not able to respond in any way, and he walks away. Harry watches him leave with a confused frown, considering we were still discussing the commercial, but then shrugs and turns to me."What do you th- Lilly, what's wrong?"I only now realise I have tears rolling down my face, and quickly wipe them away, shaking my head."It's nothing."Harry looks me up and down and then wraps his arm around my shoulders. He looks at the director and editing team."I need a word with mrs Lanshire. We'll be right back."He guides me into a secluded corner and tentavily looks at me again. "Lilly, did you dislike your scene so much? Do you want me to take it out?"I shake my head and start crying again. Harry looks hopeless, wanting to comfort me but not knowing how."It's not..." I start saying, sobbing. "It's awkward to see myself like that, but it looks good, I guess? But I....Jeffrey....I think Jeffrey disliked it."Harry frowns, looking at where Jeffrey went and forces me to look at him."What did he say, Lilly?"I sob again, shaking my head. But Harry keeps looking at me and I let out a trembling sigh."He thinks it was my idea, I guess. Said I was working myself up by doing that. He said he's dissapointed in me."Harry's frown is angry and as Jeffrey re-enters the room, he lets go of me and walks straight to Jeffrey. I can't hear what they're saying but it's clear Harry is upset. At some point Jeffrey raises his voice and I hear him saying:"What will the people think of this? Your p.a being a part of your commercial?""I don't care, Jeff! She helped me with every step of creating this, she deserves to be a part of this. If she is ok with it, I'm leaving it in. But don't you dare attack her again for doing something I asked her to do."Harry is angry. Because Jeffrey was mean to me. I really have the best boss ever.

We leave the clip in. I'm slightly reluctant about it, because it's weird seeing myself like that, but Harry is really happy with how it looks and the editing team and the director asure me I did really well.

Two days later we are back at the studio again, ready to start shooting the 'Daddy' commercial. As Harry gets ready in the dressing room, I meet the woman who is suposed to be his counterpart in this, and her agent. Her name is Jill and like Jeffrey said, she is a beauty. Her hair flows down her shoulders and her back in smooth auburn waves. Her eyes are as green as grass and her skin....she looks like a porcelain doll. I immediately think of Dolly Parton's 'Jolene' when I look at her. She is stunning. And she seems nice too, very kind, all smiles. Untill Harry appears, looking absolutely dashing in his black suitpants and white shirt, the long sleeves rolled up to show his tattoos, a black tie splitting his white cladded frame down the middle of his torso. A black big watch is on his left wrist. His hair is in a quiff, something I hardly imagined possible with how unruly his curls are, but it looks slick. Harry looks like the embodiment of Sex.

But Jill turns at her manager angrily, all traces of smiley kindness gone."You didn't tell me I was going to work with Harry Styles!"Her scream echoes over the set and I raise my eyebrows. Harry joins us, standing next to me calmly, like Jill isn't making a scene, and holds out his hand to Jill."Hi, I'm Harry, is there a problem?"She glares at his hand as if it's a poisonous snake and then angrily looks at him."I'm not going to film some steamy make out scene with a faggot!"My blood turns icecold at her words and Harry slowly drops his hand. Jill's manager is trying to get her to calm down, apologizing at Harry at the same time, as Jeffrey comes running over, nervously laughing, trying to convince her Harry is straight as can be and I frown at him.I look sideways at Harry, who seems unmoved by Jill's namecalling, but who's eyes have turned dark. Jill is still shouting."I will not work with this bloody fag!"Harry kindly smiles at her and shrugs."Allright love. Then leave. We'll find someone else." He's so calm, but now Jeffrey panics."Now, wait Harry. I'm sure we can talk about this, it's a misunderstanding."Harry and I both shake our heads but this time I'm the one talking."No Jeffrey, she's unproffesional. If she wants an acting job, she should be able to see a person seperately from their personal life. If she can't do that, she shouldn't be acting at all. And she just insulted Harry. So like Harry said. She can leave."
Jeffrey can't really argue with me, because Jill IS being unprofessional, and with an annoyed sigh he dismisses them, despite the pleas from Jill's manager.

This is a hiccup in our schedule. We're nearing the end of summer, and when we've shot this, there's also a lot of pre-promotion to do. Discussions with perfume stores to see if they want to sell Harry's perfumes. Making sure we have enough stock to provide to the stores. A lot of paper work. Adding music to both commercials. Although apparently our sighs right before I kissed Harry were picked up by the mic, and Harry really wanted to keep that in, so they're going to work around it. Harry might compose something himself if nessecary. All of that takes time, and Harry wants to have this out before Christmas. Jeffrey starts arguing with Harry as he goes through his files of decently pretty women,he actually has a binder with tabs, and Harry rolls his eyes at me, making me giggle behind my hand. Jeffrey is calling out names, showing pictures and talking to himself about why a certain girl would or would not be a good option, but Harry isn't listening. He is looking at me, deep in thought. And then he speaks.

"Lilly can do it."Jeffrey looks at him like he's gone mad and my jaw drops to the floor.



A.N: Sorry this is a week late. I was with family last week, and though I intended to write, family stuff took more of my time than anticipated. And shortly after I got home, I got pretty sick, honestly I'm still not doing well. Still have stuffed sinusses and an annoying painfull cough, but I felt well enough to update this one. Next chapter is already done in my drafts too, so that should come online in the course of the coming week.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one, next chapter is about the Daddy commercial shoot. Here comes trouble.....

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