Colaboration and a Niall

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"For fucks saaaaaaake!"
Harry screams in the livingroom and my eyes widen as I raise my eyebrows at the same time. It's been three weeks since we finished filming the commercials and the edited, final edition, at least the filming part, looks amazing. Even Jeff had to admit the Daddy commercial looked great, though he couldn't stop himself from remarking I had so much make-up on, we would probably get lucky and nobody would recognise me as Harry's P.A. But these past three weeks, Harry has been struggling to get the musical part for the commercials done. Or atleast, for the Daddy commercial. For Fruity he made a really banging kind of jazzpop tune that starts slow and builds up to a full sax blowing wham right when he gets splashed. We just saw the final, final edit of the Fruity commercial the day before yesterday. The music works really well. But for Daddy.....Harry just can't seem to get it right, and he is getting noticeably frustrated, proven by the scream he just let out.

I have tried several things to help him. Make sure he eats and drinks enough. Sleeps enough. Massage his sore hands when he plays guitar or piano all day, trying to get a good tune out. I've never seen him with a creative block before, though ofcourse I've never actually seen him write music under pressure. He writes sometimes. When he's relaxed or when he has something on his mind. But writing because he has to, with a deadline, that seems to be a problem. And apparently I don't know how to help him, because nothing I do works. But I know just the person who should know better than anyone what to do with this Harry. So I pull out my phone and text.

Me: Louis, can you help me? It's about Harry.

The answer follows so quickly, that I almost think he had his phone in his hand already, because he answer within twenty seconds.

Louis: something wrong?
Me: creative block. He needs to finish a certain piece, but he can't seem to get it right. He is super tense.
Louis: iced coffee with caramel and whipped cream. And sprinkles if you have any.
Me: sprinkles??? You've got to be kidding...
Louis: trust me love. And if you can. Make him take a break. Go out. Do karaoke or something. Hearing music helps him. Make him put his guitar down for a day.
Me: I'll try. Thanks lou

I prepare the coffeebeans to have them freshly ground and start searching the cupboards for the other ingredients. There's some vegetable cream that I can whip, and surprisingly enough, we have sprinkles. Wonder what that was for. I can't remember buying or using those. I'll have to make caramel myself, but that's easy as ABC. I grab a small pan and put some water in it, turning on the stove to bring it to a boil. In the meantime I check for icecubes in the freezer. We're just coming into Autumn now, but L.A is still very warm, so we have plenty icecubes.
As I prepare everything little by little, my brain is wrecking itsself over the karaoke part. I don't really sing in public, first of all because I'm too shy for it and second of all because I don't think I'm that good. Once again I whip out my phone.

Me: Niall, if you're free, Harry needs to go out. Out of the house. Out. Karaoke. Bar. Karaokebar. Something. Just OUT

Niall takes a little longer to respond, by the time he does I'm already finishing up two tall glasses of iced caramel lattes.

Niall: I'll be there in 30. What happened?
Me: creative block. He's stressing.
Niall: take his guitar away. I'll hurry.

I pocket my phone, pick up the two glasses and walk to the livingroom. I put the two glasses on the table, walk over to Harry and look down at him. He looks up with raised eyebrows, not unkindly, but slightly disrupted.
"It's enough for today Harry. You're only stressing yourself out, and that's not good for your creative process."
Harry immediately starts to protest.
"Lilly, I have a deadline."
"I know you do, and that's exactly why this isn't working. You've been on your guitar for three weeks straight, despite my assistance you hardly sleep or eat, and you're way too tense. So I'm calling a break, right now. I'm revoking your guitar rights for the next twenty-four hours."
He tries to protest again, but doesn't fight me when I take the guitar from him. I replace it with a glass of ice coffee, and he stares at it, baffled, not saying a word. I put the guitar and his music sheets neatly where they belong before taking my own glass and sitting down next to him.
Harry is still looking at his glass.
"Lilly....what is this?"
Shit. I can't exactly tell him I asked Louis for help and Louis told me to make this.
"Iced coffee. It's my favorite. Though I usually don't use sprinkles but I thought it might cheer you up."
Harry slowly takes a sip and his eyes widen.
"Lilly. This is perfect."
He leans back into the couch and contently sips his iced coffee, creating a sprinkled whipped cream moustache on his upper lip. I can't help but giggling. Harry looks at me confused.
"What? Why are you laughing?" he asks, halfly smiling himself. I raise my finger, gesturing for him to wait a second, take out my phone and put it on selfie cam before turning it to him. He stares at his own face and then starts laughing. He quickly licks his upper lip as I put my phone away again, both of us giggling at his decorated moustache.
When we've both finished our drinks, he already seems a little more relaxed. I grab the glasses to put them in the sink and move on to part two; distraction. I hate singing in public, but this is just Harry. And if I turn up the music loud enough he won't hear me anyway. So I turn on his multimedia sound system and wirelessly connect it to my smartphone, starting up my Spotify and just play my favorites on shuffle. It's gonna be a lot of One Direction, or the boys solo, but there should also be enough of various artists to make a nice mix.

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