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Louis: how are ya love?
Me: seriously interested, or do you want to talk about Harry?
Louis: now you just make me sound like a dick
Me: didn't know dicks made sounds, and I used to be married.
Louis: used to be? What happened?
Me: a truck did.
Louis: jesus
Louis: sorry to hear that.
Me: Harry is fine btw.
Louis: come on, don't be like that. Can I call you?
Me: we're really busy right now. Work work work.

I pocketed my phone. I should be paying attention, but at the moment I was pretty unnessecary. Today we would start shooting the promotional video for 'Fruity', and Harry was getting dressed and then he needed to go to make-up. I was just here in case he needed me. Wich I thought was pretty unlikely. As fun as the whole development stage had been, this part was quite boring. Ofcourse it was cool to see Harry at work. To be so close to the whole project and taste a bit of the filming process as well.

Jeffrey was here too, though I didn't really understand why. He wasn't usually a part of Harry's filming days, so the only thing I could think of, was that he tried to push some of his own ideas. And he quickly proved me right, because as soon as Harry came out of his dressing room in a swimshort with some brightly colored fruit print on it, he approached him.

"Harry, listen. I think it would be for the best for this video to have your tattoos covered up. Considering you're going for a softer, cheerfuller approach here, the tattoos might really distract from that."

Harry and I both frowned, though Jeffrey had his back turned to me, so he didn't see my face. Harry did, as he quickly glanced over to me. He sniffed like he often does when he feels uncomfortable or irritated.

"The tattoos are a part of me Jeff. The whole point of these perfumes was to stay true to myself. To put a part of me into the perfumes. The tattoos are part of who I am too."

Jeffrey grunted in annoyance.

"Yes yes, but you must admit it doesn't really look soft. Lots of people still connect tattoos to....well you know. Bikegangs and such."

I mentally facepalmed. What a stupid, outdated prejudice. Bikegangs. What an ass. Jeffrey turned to face me.

"Don't you agree with me, Lilly? I bet you prefer the softer look."

Haha, I prefer the 'daddy' look.

I was halfly tempted to outright say I had a thing for tattooed bikers, but since Jeffrey could easily fire me, since I wasn't directly hired by Harry, the polite approach would definitely be better. I knew very well that he wasn't really asking for my opinion anyway. I was 'just' the p.a, and even though I had worked closely with Harry on these perfumes, he seemed to believe that was purely because it had benefitted Harry at the time. He was really underestimating Harry's kindheartedness. But to Jeffrey, my opinion did not, and would not, matter, ever. He just wanted me to agree with him to convince Harry. Yea, not gonna happen.

"No, I prefer the tattoos. Tattoos are art. It has nothing to do with being rough or soft."

I caught Harry's cheeky smile as he glanced at me.

"Every artistic person can have tattoos to express their story on their skin. Harry is an artist. He wouldn't look like himself without the tattoos. And if anyone can look soft with tattoos, it's him. Have you ever seen any of his shows at all? Softest goofy marshmallow on the planet. With his tattoos. So no. I don't agree."

Harry is smiling his froggy smile at me, almost completely closing his eyes, so happy I sided with him. Yea, I may have pissed Jeffrey off, but who cares? He can't fire me over this.Jeff huffs agitatedly, and walks away without another word. Harry steps a little closer to me and I avert my eyes. I'm a professional, but Harry standing so close in just swimshorts is quite a sight, and, though professional, I'm only human.

"Thank you. You know he wasn't really asking for your opinion right?"I nod."Ofcourse. That's why I spat it in his face. Bikegang, yeah right. Idiot."He gasps and I look at him. Just his face. Don't look down. His face is the epitome of happy surprise. "Lilly, you minx! You pissed him off on purpose!"I snigger a bit at his reaction and smile."Sorry, not sorry.""I love you."Yea that's definitely not doing anything to me. No way. It's just that nobody has said that to me in five years. I'm love deprived, okay?Bloody hell, calm down. He doesn't mean it that way.

I force myself to smile convincingly as I look at him."Love you too.""Awww, Lilly!" Harry embraces me into a tight hug, and bloody fucking hell, he's basically half naked. Don't think about it."I'm so glad I don't have a dick", I mumble under my breath, but ofcourse he hears it anyway.He steps away from me, cackling loudly as he clutches his belly."Where did that come from?!" He exclaims between laughs."The gutter." I deadpan, and he starts laughing even harder. I smile as I watch him. You just can't not smile when Harry is having a laughing fit. When he regains his composure he looks at me with his lovely dimpled smile."Seriously though, why did you say that?"I'm emberassed but I know he'll be able to laugh about it, so whatever. I don't care about my dignity that much. And I might make him blush, wich is a nice bonus ofcourse."If I had a dick it would be very hard....DIFFICULT! It would be very difficult to hide certain reactions."Harry stares at me with a slight frown, obviously confused by my awkward rephrasing for a second and then his eyes widen, he blushes, victory there, and smiles a bit as he shyly stares at the floor. Ofcourse it's Harry we're talking about, so he overcomes his shy reaction quite fast and strikes a ridiculous pose, that's clearly intend to mock his own sexy, making me burst out laughing."Is this causing a certain reaction?" He asks as he wiggles his eyebrows. Just as I say "only human", he puts his hands on himself, caressing his torso, starting at the chest and moving down to his laurel tattoos. His trademark showmove."Stop that Styles!" I try to say firmly, but I'm turning away my face because I'm seriously blushing now. Little pink bags. Lifesavers.


We're finally ready to start shooting. Like with any other movie we're not filming in chronological order, but in this case it's more like we shoot a lot of short clips wich then just get edited and mixed in to a big rollercoaster of 1 or 2 second long clips, quickly alternating. At least. That's the idea.

First, we'll start with throwing a bucket of juice at Harry. It's not really juice, just water with food coloring, but it should look the part. The hard trick is making it look nice. It should make a nice splash on his bare chest. That involves a lot of takes, reviewing the material, drying Harry off, changing into clean shorts and redoing his hair so it will look like he didn't get doused twenty times already.

Harry takes it like a champ though, with a big grin on his face as someone in the crew throws a bucket full of pink water at him. He looks over the director's shoulder, gives pointers, criticises his own posture or expression and then gets to cleaning himself up, changing and getting his hair and make up done. Again.

Around 4 p.m we're all tired, but we have a good splash on film. There's something missing though. We all see it. Well...apart from Jeff, who is overly enthousiastic about the perfect splash, and has not a drop of artistic talent in him. We all kinda stare at him. Harry is too perfectionistic. This is his baby, he wants to do it right.
"Lilly, what do you think?" He whispers at me.
I look at the footage again with a frown. Yes, the splash is perfect. Harry is perfect. But it's just pink water.
"At this point it looks like Barbie just squirted on you. It's just pink, innit?"Harry snorts and mumbles something about a squirting Barbie, and smiles at me as he shakes his head."Yea something's missing. But what?"I raise my eyebrows at him. "The actual fruit. That's what's missing."Harry's eyes lit up and he starts looking around. His gaze lands on the table with food. He grabs me by the hand and drags me along. I hear some of the crew following us."Anything that's small enough to not hurt. Or things that can be chopped up or sliced and still look recognisable. Quickly, Lilly!" We frantically go through the foods that have been served. There's a huge silver plate completely stocked with fruit and we go through our options. The director and the woman who does Harry's make up start picking up fruits too. It's a mess. We're all shouting at the same time."Banana in slices! That can work!""Yes! And how about cherries?""I found strawberries!""Grapes over here!""Harry, we could use slices of lime and lemon, there's some over here!""Yes yes yes!" Harry screams in excitement and we all get to work, still yelling at eachother. It's utter chaos. And I love it. And Harry is smiling so much, his cheeks must hurt. Happy cupcake."No, SLICE the lemon, don't dice it, come on now, Jeff!" I might get a lecture about that."Don't cut the small stuff! Leave the strawberries, grapes and the cherries!""We just found some raspberries and blueberries!""Perfect!"

We end up adding an entire fruitsalad to a slightly bigger bucket of fake juice, wich now has to be thrown by two people. Harry is discussing with the director. We all know we have to nail this shot, because we've been doing this all day, and we don't have an endless supply of fruit. Also, we don't want to waste too much food.

I hear Harry and the director say something about the upwards angle of the bucket throw, because that's what worked in our last splash attempt. The director gets everyone in place. Lighting gets adjusted. Harry is ready."Wait! Stop!" He suddenly shouts. We're all a bit confused untill he yells at me."Lilly, grab a strawberry. I want you to throw an underhanded toss, aim at my mouth. Wait , lets practice that first."

I toss a few strawberries at him untill he can catch it without having to break his pose, and then I take my position behind the assigned bucket throwers. Director takes his place."Silence on set! Everyone ready? On the marker. 3. 2. 1. Action!"

There's a big splash of pink water and fruit flying around Harry, I toss the strawberry, wich he effortlessly catches between his lips. Without even using his teeth, mind you. And I have a really good feeling about this. So does Harry apparently, because I've never seen such a big smile on his face. I wrap a clean towel around his shoulders and he rubs himself dry a bit and then changes into a bathrobe so we can review the footage.

And it's perfect. It's so perfect I end up asking for a screenshot of the big splash, promising I won't put it up online. I mean, the NDA effectively prohibits me from doing so. I can still use it as the background on my phone though.


A.N: as promised, a new chapter for the weekend. I'll probably not upload till next saturday, maybe even the monday after. I'll be spending the week with family, but I always draft on my phone, so if I feel inspired I might have some drafts on back-up to keep uploads steady. hope you enjoyed this. next chapter is a little spicy, but not smutty. buuuuuut that's for next week. laters!

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