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"Nooo! You can't mix in a chocolate scent!"

Admitted, I would smell very edible, but it's not what we're looking for here. The man who yelled at his labpartner is moving away a flask from said partner, assumingly the chocolate scent, and they continue in silence. I make a mental note to sniff that flask later.

Harry and I are back at the perfume factory. Both in labcoats, happily mingling with the actual employees. The past two weeks have flown by, with a few meet and greets, a radio interview and lots of studio time, but now we're finally back to work on Harry's perfumes. It's our second day back here really, but yesterday we just needed to get educated on how the perfume making goes, and to give the proffessional mixers an idea of what Harry wants to achieve. Glad those notes came in handy.

The process is much more intricate than whatever I did on that monday, almost three weeks ago. We have to write down wich scent we use, and how much, so that when it's right, we will know the proportions of what's in it. And that's such a precise work, that everyone is working in couples. One does the mixing. The other writes down exactly what they use and how much of it. I somehow end up in a team with Stephanie, but Harry is not really participating since there is an odd number of people. He contently walks around, supervising, sniffing some mixtures.

After an hour or so of making different blends, I feel something itching on my back. The labcoat is a little in the way, but I try to get the strand of hair out of my shirt,since I'm pretty sure that's what it is. But with an extra layer of clothing on, I can't reach it. After a full minute of squirming, I give up. It's annoying, but I'm busy.

I write some stuff down on a paper notepad, having labeled my mixes with numbers and just referring to them by that and writing down what I personally think of them. I sniff my number 1 and start writing. Sniff. Write. Sniff. Write. Wriggle because of that bloody hair being trapped under the strap of my bra. And then there's a big, warm hand on my lower back, and Harry's voice in my left ear.

"Are you allright? You seem uncomfortable."

Stephanie isn't paying attention to him, as she is also writing down what she thinks of the perfume blends we made, so I think I can safely lean back towards Harry.

"Just a loose hair trapped under the strap of my bra", I whisper back at him. "It's itchy, but I can't reach it."

Harry and I share a look and then he looks around the lab. Nobody's looking, and before I realise what he's doing, I feel his hand slip under my labcoat and under my shirt, on the bare skin of my back, and I freeze.

"Act normal, Lilly. Just continue what you're doing." He whispers again. But his breath tickles my ear, and his hand is creeping up on my back and I just have to act normal? Easy for him to say, bloody hell.

"Breathe." His voice whispers in my ear again. And I do as he says. I try to breathe normally and do what I was doing before he put his hand on me, but damnit, I haven't been properly touched in years, and just the contact of his hand creeping up my back is making me feel hot between my legs. I glance around to make sure nobody actually sees this, and find a bit of relief in the fact that everyone is busy.

Harry's fingers tickle right under the strap of my bra, and he quickly finds the teasing piece of hair, slowly sliding his hand back down and straightens my shirt.

"There. Better?"

I can't talk, so I nod. There's butterflies somewhere but definitely not in my stomach. These butterflies have migrated way South and good gawd, I'm gonna need that pink bag that's hiding in my nightstand tonight. Fuck the whole badass perfume idea. Just the scent of Harry could-

"What are you working on here?"

Right. Act normal. You're working. He's your boss. You can take care of these....feelings tonight.


"I personally think that these three are the best. They come the closest to what you wanted, in my opinion. But there's still something missing I think."

I put my personal top three of mixtures and blends in front of Harry, each with the whole paperwork to go with it. It was funny to see that the main 'ingredients' were the same in these three, though in different amounts. And all three have something different added to the main components to tweak the end results. And they are so close to what I think Harry wants. But just not quite there yet.

Harry is sniffing each bottle. Twice. And again. And then hands me the second one.

"I like this one the most. But like you said. It's just not there yet. It's a bit....thick? Like really overwhelmingly sweet. It should be just a tad fresher."

I nod in agreement and look at the so called ingredient list. Strawberry. Watermelon. Cherry. Lemon and lime. Cactus. What's missing?

I put the bottle down and start going around the lab. The employees are all standing at their desks with the mixtures they made, and I feel like a schoolteacher that's grading her students, though I'm the apprentice here. But there was one....that had a lot of freshness but not that summery feeling. Wich one was it?

Harry follows me as if he knows what I'm looking for as I sniff all of the bottles again. All of the blends these amazing people have created in one week. And there's lots,definitely considering it just took them a week to make all of these. After a few minutes I found it. The one that had the freshness dominant in the blend. I look at the ingedient list. Freshly mowed grass.


I look over my shoulder just to find his nose only an inch away from my face, since he had been looking over my shoulder to read the ingredient list too.

"For f- goodness, Harry! I didn't realise you were right behind me!"

He chuckled and looked at me with those sparkling green eyes.

"Sorry. Did you just hold back on cursing?" He said with a soft snigger.

"Mother habit. I've trained myself to not cuss and curse because of my kids. So I rarely do anymore. But look here. Mowed grass. And this one is really fresh. Could we add a bit of mowed grass to your favorite blend, see if that evens it out?"

Harry looked around, and that's when I realised he had actually taken his favorite bottle with him and was now comparing it to the one in front of us. After he smelled both of them he looked around again and lifted the one he picked.

"Who made this one? It's a number.....27?"

Two younger women who's names I had forgotten, raised their hands and we walked over to them. After some talking they started adding the mowed grass scent drop by drop, writing down every drop on their already excisting ingredient list. It took about ten to fifteen drops and then I saw Harry's eyes lit up when he smelled it. He handed it to me with a smile and the second I sniffed it I understood why. This smelled like fruitpunch on a breezy summer evening with a hint of sweet popcorn. They didn't even add a popcorn scent. Curious.

"Oh wow! This might be it. What do you think Harry? Yes?"


The employees started cheering but I quickly asked for silence.

"Last test. Who is not already wearing perfume?"

All hands went up, apart from Harry's. I could have known. These people were proffessionals. Ofcourse they wouldn't be wearing perfume. I turned to Harry, who gave me an apologetic look.

"Sorry, I don't know what you're going at, but I only have cologne on my neck. Is that a problem?"

"No we're going for the wrist anyway. Allright, roll up your sleeves everyone. Skin test. Does anyone have a clean spraybottle?"

Harry eyed me up and down to my working hands and back up to my face as I poured the blend into the spray bottle, and rolled up his sleeve. He then realised he was still wearing a watch, so he took that off and pocketed it.

"Are we going to sniff wrists?" He asked, obviously completely oblivious to what we were doing. I looked at my labpartner, Stephanie, and the smart girl immediately caught on and started explaining to Harry, while I lined up the others and gave them all a bit of the perfume on their wrist.

"Every person has his own unique bodyscent. That's why, when we're in love, we tend to like clothes or duvets or pillowcases that smell like our lovepartner. And because of that unique bodyscent, a perfume will never smell the same on two different people. The only way to know for sure if this is what you want is to do a skin test."

By the time she finished her explanation I had sprayed every wrist apart from hers and Harry's. I held up the bottle. Stephanie held up her wrist and I misted her wrist slightly. She softly blew on her wrist to let the perfume dry and I saw Harry studying her every movement. He then held up his own wrist, and softly blew it after I misted it.

"We should start at the other end of the line", Stephanie suggested. "It's more settled onto their skin because you did them first."

So we started at the other end of the line, Harry and I taking turns smelling the perfume on different wrists and it was amazing how complex one perfume could be. I could see Harry was amazed as well. He hummed and smiled and frowned as he went from wrist to wrist, with an occassional "oh! You smell good!" or "wow, this is so strange".

Out of all the employees, there were only one or two on who it didn't smell entirely the way Harry wanted, but those were good odds. He liked the way it smelled on me and Stephanie too and then sniffed his own wrist. He hummed with a soft smile and held his wrist out to me. I took a sniff and my eyes popped open. What the hell?

"Steph. Smell this."

Harry frowned and gave me a questioning look, but held out his wrist to Stephanie.

"Huh? That smells like dessert after a nice dinner date."

"Right?! I thought so too!"

Harry laughed out loud, his head thrown back in laughter.

"I smell like dessert?"

"More specificaly; a sweet dessert after a perfectly romantic first date dinner. It's sweet and romantic on you." I eleborated.

Harry cocks one eyebrow at me with a smirk.

"Well, I AM sweet and romantic."

I roll my eyes at him but smile. Ofcourse he would react like that.

"What do you think though, Harry?"

But I already know his answer because I see it on his face. This is it. This is the one he wants to bring out. Now we can atleast start brainstorming about the name for it. And how he wants it too look. One down. One to go.


The bad-ass perfume surprisingly takes us much longer to perfect. Personally I can't seem to get it right at all, and after two weeks and a mandatory perfume break because of a radio interview that Harry has planned, I'm frustrated. Harry sort of demanded we'd use that leathery scent, and though it's enticing, I can't seem to achieve even a hint of the effect Harry wants it to have, even when I'm not sure if he seriously wants it to turn people on. I mean. That would make a headline. Harry styles' perfume. Here to improve your sexlife. I giggle at my own thoughts.

"What's funny?"

I yelp and drop my bottle but Harry catches it. Spidey senses for real.

"Good lord, Harry! Could you not sneak up on me please?"

"Why were you laughing?"

Definitely not going to explain that to him. He'll tease me with it for sure.

"Funny thoughts. None of your concern."

I'm not looking at him, but I just know he's raising his eyebrows and smirking. He is too smart and too curious for his own good.

"We're you thinking something naughty?"


Yes, absolutely. How could I not when you want us to create a perfume that will have people go wild with lust? Is that even legal?

I'm distracted from my thoughts when I hear a gasp coming from my right, and as I look up I see one of the younger women wobble. I frown with concern. Is she working too hard? But then I see her face flush, her breathing getting exasperated and she sits down, her thighs clenched together. Oh my god. I grab Harry's arm and pull him closer so I can whisper in his ear.

"Those two over there might be on to something. Look at her."

I watch Harry as he looks at the lab pair I pointed out. I see him eyeing the girl up and down and his eyes open wide. His lips part. And he smiles oh so mischievously.

You devil.

Harry walks over to them and I follow close behind him. I really hope he doesn't do anything stupid. But ofcourse he crouches in front of the poor girl, who's almost shaking from head to toe.

"You allright love? Are you feeling unwell?"

The cheeky bastard. He knows very well how she's feeling. I can smell her from here and I'm standing behind him. She is definitely arroused.She shakes her head at him and squeaks out something about being fine. Yea, you look like you're fine. Who is she trying to fool? But you know. Curiosity killed the cat. I want to smell what she created. What made her react this way. So I walk to her working station, where her male labpartner is frantically studying the notes he made. He looks up when I approach him and grab the bottle.

"Uhm....miss Lanshire. You might not want to-"

"Lilly, what are you-"

I inhale the scent like I'm taking a deep breath and immediately have to steady myself against the table.

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