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I looked at his laptop and then back at him, hardly believing what I was seeing.

"Give me my laptop back, Lavender," Vivaan said, and I shook my head.

I glanced at his search history and was shocked.

- How to be a better husband?
- A book in which Jonathan King is a character
- How to be better than the fictional character Jonathan King?
- What books should I gift my wife?

"Vivaan," I whispered, and he looked at me, his ears still red.

"Lavender," he whispered and made me sit on his lap.

I looked at the laptop screen again, knowing he was trying his best to make me happy. He was trying to be a better husband. He had been treating me nicely.

"You don't have to Google all this stuff," I said and put the laptop on the table.

He scratched his neck embarrassingly.

And this was the third shock of the day. First, Vivaan searched all that stuff. Second, he blushed. Third, he was embarrassed now.

What is happening with my husband?

"I was just curious," he said coolly as if he hadn't been embarrassed a minute ago.

"I want you the way you are. I want you to show me all your flaws. I want you to show me your sweet side, your loving side, your angry side, your annoying side, your flirty side, and all the other sides you are capable of. I want all of you. I don't want you to compare yourself with a fictional character. Fictional characters aren't real, which is a harsh reality, and comparing yourself with them will only mess with your brain. You and I are real. I want the real you. And I don't want my handsome husband to Google all this stuff and stress over it," I said while looking into his eyes.

"So, you find me handsome," he teased, and I just shook my head at his antics.

"You only focused on that part," I said while shaking my head.

"I focused on every word you just said, but I like that my wife finds me handsome," he said and winked at me.

"And I am a messed-up man, Lavender," he said with a serious tone.

"That I know," I muttered, but he heard me and looked amused.

"I don't mind if you are messed up. I just want the real you. I don't want you to lose your real self just because you want to impress me. But you can be a little considerate towards others, right?" I said and ran my hand through his hair.

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