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Today is mine and Vivaan's marriage anniversary. And he wanted us to stay in bed all day. Typical Vivaan. And I am five months pregnant.

Vivaan was acting like an idiot. Yes, idiot. He declared that he won't be going to the office after we came home and announced my pregnancy. Of course, we didn't tell anyone that Vivaan was shot.

However, being aware of how to get my way with my husband, I managed to convince him to go to the office. Despite his five-year-old-like tantrums, he eventually left.

"You know I am just forty minutes away from you. So, you don't have to video call me every fifteen minutes," I glared at the screen.

Yes, he is on a video call with me. He gave me a sly smile.

"But it's too far. I want to see your face every other second. So, I think you should be happy that I am giving you a fifteen-minute break," he shrugged. This man. Arghhh.

"What about what I want?" I asked. He came a little forward.

"What do you want?" He asked. "Stop calling me every damn fifteen minutes," I replied.

"Fine, I will call you every ten minutes," he nonchalantly shrugged. My mouth hung open.

"Vivaan," I yelled. I don't know why I am so angry.

"Yes, lavender," he smiled. "You are impossible," I sighed.

"And you are mine," his smile widened. "Stop being cute," I smiled.

"You stop being cute, lavender," he retorted.

"And don't call me after damn fifteen minutes, and you know what, don't call me when you are in your office," I glared at him.

"That's torture, lavender," he shook his head.

"That's called professionalism," I argued.

"I'll not do such a thing. I'll call whenever I want to talk to my wife," he insisted.

"Then kiss goodbye to bed. From now on, you will sleep on the couch," I smiled sweetly. His expression turned horrified. Isn't he too cute?

"I'll see how much attitude you will show me when you are underneath me and moaning my name. I will make you beg, lavender," he smirked, and my cheeks heated up. Definitely not cute.

"Vivaan," I warned, but why did I sound too breathless.

"Did my words turn you on?" He smirked.

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now