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This is the first time in my life that I am annoyed by a female's presence. Sneha, sitting right in front of me, keeps praising my husband, and it's getting on my nerves. Even Aditi, Arya, and Reyaansh aren't interested in whatever she's saying. In short, they do not like her presence. But we can't do anything because she is Mumma's friend's daughter.

Aditi, Arya, Reyaansh, and I were chilling in my room when Sneha, whose presence was unwanted, barged in. I don't know why, but I sounded like Vivaan.

"You know, when we were young, Vivaan would never leave my side, and he was so cute," Sneha said with a dreamy smile, and for the first time in my life, I wanted to slam my husband's face into a wall. He never left her side? What a load of nonsense.

"You were the one who was clingy and would never leave bhai alone, even though he told you to stay the hell away from him," Reyaansh said with a sweet smile that wasn't so sweet. So, she was lying. She has the audacity to lie in front of me about my husband. Now, it's her face I want to smash into the wall.

What the hell? Anaya, get a grip; you shouldn't be having these thoughts. What is happening to me?

"Bhabhi, what do you think, should I get my hair colored?" Arya asked me, forwarding her phone to me.

"It's up to you, and I think this color will look good on you," I said, motioning to the dark brown copper color.

"I don't think you should color your hair. Do you think some hair color would make you look beautiful?" Sneha said, laughing at the last part, and my anger reached another peak now.

"Who the hell do you think you are to give your stupid opinion?" I snapped at her, and everyone in the room looked at me, amused.

Arya passed me a smile. Arya is the most beautiful girl present in this room. Her beauty is indescribable. She is sunshine and lalala girl, her fashion sense is on another level.

"This isn't how you should talk to me, Anaya," Sneha glared at me.

"Well, then why don't you get the fuck out of my room?" I snapped at her.

"This is Vivaan's room also, and he always likes my presence, and I won't be leaving until I meet him," she said very sweetly, and believe me, that sweetness in her voice gave me creeps.

"Bhabhi, why don't we all go and talk in my room? I also want to show you all something," Aditi said, and we all went to her room, with Sneha following us.

"Look, I haven't told anyone about this, so can you all please keep it a secret," Aditi said, and her eyes lingered on Sneha, and she shook her head.

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now