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It's been five painful days. And Vivaan has been staying in his car outside my parents' house, and each moment I see him like this, it's like a constant heartache, making me feel utterly helpless.

'You can go back to him,' my inner voice chimed in. Stirring up a mix of emotions within me. The yearning to ease his suffering and repair the growing divide between us becomes more profound.

He continues to send flowers with heartfelt notes, pleading for my return. Driven by a deep yearning to soothe the pain in both our hearts, his gestures resonate with our shared longing.

I step into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Vivaan.

"Why do you bother cooking for him?" A  voice interrupted, and I turned to see Tushaar bhai.

I'm aware of Tushaar bhai's mafia involvement, a revelation from Varun that shocked me.

However, he's the only one from my family with such connections.

"Is there a problem with that?" I asked.

"Isn't he the reason for everything, including your child's death?" Tushaar bhai asked, making me grit my teeth.

"Don't talk about my husband like that. You know it wasn't his fault, bhai," I yelled.

Nothing was Vivaan's fault; it never was.

"Then, why is he the only one going through all this suffering?" Tushaar bhai asked, raising his eyebrow.

I want to say that I'm suffering too, unable to bear the distance. The ache in my heart intensifies every second, pushing me to reunite with Vivaan. I remain silent, unable to explain the depth of my emotions to Tushaar bhai.

Despite my silence, the truth remains – it's not just him suffering; it's both of us, a consequence of my choices.

"Good morning," Roop bhabhi's voice greeted, and I turned to see her.

"Good morning, bhabhi," I replied.

"Here are your flowers from your husband," She handed me a bouquet with a warm smile.

Tushaar bhai walked out of the kitchen.

"Why do you look sad, Anaya?" Bhabhi gently palmed my cheeks.

"I want Vivaan to stop all this" I replied softly.

"Why? He is expressing his love for you through his actions," she said softly.

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now