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I woke up as I felt movement on my chest, and there was a lovely sight waiting for me.

"Good morning, little lavender." I greeted my six-month-old daughter with a smile.

She was already looking at me, giggling and playing with my beard.

As I enjoyed this moment, I felt a snuggle, and there was my five-year-old son beside me.

I knew it, he would be here in the morning. That's why I always keep the room's door open.

A clicking sound caught my attention, and I saw Anaya, standing with a phone, smiling and looking at us.

Isn't it a really Good Morning?

"Good morning, lavender" I said and ahe smiled at me.

"I must say what a beautiful view in the morning." She smirked at me.

Yeah, smirk. She has started smirking a lot. Though, I am not complaining, but I prefer her smiles more.

A squeal from our little lavender, Arika, diverted her attention.

"Oh, my, Ari. Good morning." Anaya said in a cute voice while approaching the bed.

And little lavender was already looking at her with dreamy eyes. I get it, little lavender. I really get it.

"Did Dada trouble you?" Lavender asked and Aria looked at me.

"Daaaaaaaaa Daaaaaaaaaadddddda Aaannnnn" Arika responded with adorable babbling, making us smile.

"Mumma" A sleepy voice caught our attention and Anaya smiled.

"Good morning, Avyu," Anaya greeted him warmly, and he eagerly nestled into her arms, making her giggle.

"Good morning, Mumma," he mumbled, resting his head on her shoulder. Peeking at me, he added, "Good morning, Dad," making me smile.

"Good morning, Avyaan." I said, and his smile lit up the room.

"Aaaaaaavvavvvvvv" Little lavender blabberled again looking at Avyaan.

"Say Avyaan, Ari." He said and crawled beside me.

"Aaaaaavvvvvvvvv" she joyfully echoed, making him pout.

"Call me bhai, Ari." He said and she giggled.

"Aaaaaaaavvvvvvv" She squealed and Avyaan shook his head

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now