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It's been seven months. Seven months of our marriage. These last seven months have been blissful. Only the first week of the marriage was like living in hell.

At first, Vivaan didn't want me, and now he doesn't leave me alone. And I like that, scratch that, I love that.

After our first date, we have gone on multiple dates. He takes me on a date every weekend.

And yes, now everyone knows that I am his wife because his jealous ass couldn't see me talking to a male colleague. So, he introduced himself as my husband, and it was all over the news after that.

Today, I took a leave from my college because I want to give a surprise to Vivaan.

I want to tell him that I am in love with him. Yes, I fell hard and deeply in love with him.

And I also want to tell him that we are going to welcome a little Rathore into our life. I am pregnant. I just got to know that yesterday. I am two weeks pregnant.

"Why don't you plan something, you know, cute and sexy," Kiara said.

I am on a video call with Kiara, Saanvi, and Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu looks like he wants to be anywhere but here.

And these three don't know that I am pregnant. I want to share this news with Vivaan first. I just told these three that I am in love with Vivaan and I want to tell him that.

"Okay, listen to me," Saanvi sighed.

"You have a better plan than me?" Kiara raised her eyebrow as if she is challenging her.

"I also have a better plan than you, Kiara," Abhimanyu replied.

"Do you even know what love means, Abhimanyu?" Kiara snapped at him.

"I do," Abhimanyu replied, and we all gasped.

"Don't tell me you are in love?"

"Who is she?"

"Did I hear that right?"

Kiara, Saanvi, and I bombarded him with our questions, and he sighed.

"I am not in love with anyone. I just know stuff," he pretended to play it cool.

He is definitely in love. But with whom?

"Abhimanyu Ranawat, I want the name," Kiara glared at the screen.

"Oh shut up, guys. This video call was about Anaya and her confession. So, focus on that shit, not on me," Abhimanyu said.

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