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"Why do you always look angry?" Avyaan asked Varun, who just stared back at him blankly.

"Did I ask why you always take my wife's attention?" Varun countered, his tone edged with a hint of jealousy.

"Do you always fight with children who are less than half your age?" Avyaan questioned, and I couldn't help but shake my head.

He is so Vivaan coded- the smirks, the sarcastic genes running in his blood.

"You're not a child. You're a little devil in the form of a human," Varun remarked, making me frown.

"You can't say that, Varun," Aditi scolded him.

"Oh, really? But I said it," Varun responded sarcastically, earning a glare from Aditi that instantly silenced him.

Aditi was here to pick up Avyaan for some quality time. And since she is here, her husband also followed her like a puppy. Varun's this version is fun to watch.

"Will you be okay handling Avyaan?" I asked Aditi, and she smiled warmly at me.

"Of course, bhabhi. I'll be more than okay," she assured.

Arika recently turned eight months old, and it feels like just yesterday when Avyaan was born. He's growing up so fast, and Arika is following suit.

"Can't Ari come with us, Mumma?" Avyaan pleaded, and I gently shook my head.

"She's very small, Avyu. She needs to stay close to me," I explained, ruffling his hair as he pouted.

He's adorable, resembling Vivaan with his light brown eyes. I secretly hope he inherits more of Vivaan's traits.

"Shall we go, Avyaan?" Aditi asked, and he grinned widely, though not without giving Varun a mischievous smirk.

"Did you just smirk at me, little devil?" Varun questioned, causing Avyaan to look at Aditi with puppy eyes.

"He's calling me that again, Diti," Avyaan complained.

"Don't call my wife that. Only I can give her nicknames," Varun glared at Avyaan.

"Will you stop it, Varun? He's just a child," Aditi scolded him.

I wondered how they'd spend the day together.

"Avyaan, come here, baby," I called him, and he ran a hand through his hair while approaching.

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