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"Don't you two have anything else to do?" I snapped at my two useless friends. Fine, sometimes they can be useful.

"And don't you have any manners to talk?" Abhimaan also snapped at me.

Why is he being too snappy today?

"Shut up both of you," Kabir snapped.

Why is everyone snapping today? Is today a snapping day?

Okay, now I am thinking nonsense.

"Why are you two always in my company?" I asked.

I am genuinely curious about why they always come here like sneaky bitches.

"I am heading home," Abhimaan suddenly announced.

What is wrong with him? Isn't he being too gloomy and snappy too?

"Why?" I asked, and he glared at me.

"Don't you have a wife waiting for you at home?" He snapped.

"Too bad you will never get a wife," I smirked, and his eyes turned blank.

Did I hit a nerve? Looks like it.

"You are right," he muttered, but both me and Kabir heard it.

"What's wrong, Abhimaan?" I asked.

"What is not wrong?" He asked, and his eyes are too blank to read anything.

Kabir's phone rang, and he answered the call.

"Hello," he said, and the other person said something to make him groan.

"I have plans tomorrow, Kia," he said, and Abhimaan's head snapped at Kabir's direction so quickly.

This bitch will definitely get a neck sprain someday.

"Uh-huh," Kabir said and cut the call.

"I need to go home," Kabir announced.

We all exited the company. What? I need to go meet my wife. I have already spent 5 hours 23 minutes and 43 seconds away from her.

She is like a drug. I always need to see her, feel her, and devour her. I am addicted to my wife.

She changed me. And I changed myself only for her. Yes, only for her.

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now