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"You're dating who?" I yelled, and Aditi tensed up.

"I already told you, bhai," She replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Say that again. Because my ears aren't working fucking properly. I heard the wrong name, I am damn sure." I said, feeling frustrated. Anaya put her hand on my shoulder.

"I am dating Varun" Aditi said

"If I have a heart attack today, blame her, lavender," I told my wife, who frowned at me.

"What's wrong with me dating Varun, bhai?" Aditi asked, still avoiding my gaze.

"He is a fucking manipulator, Aditi." I responded, sighing.

That fucking twat is dating my sister. I will kill him for sure if he comes in front of my eyes.

"He is sweet, bhai." Aditi said in a low voice, and I looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you sure we are talking about the same Varun Sharma?" I asked and ahe nodded.

For fuck's sake. What has that manipulator done to my sister?

He even convinced Anaya to be a part of his sick plans. I am still angry at him for that.

"I love him, bhai" Aditi confessed, looking into my eyes, and I sighed.

"Since when are you dating that bastard?" I asked, hoping it was only a few months so I could convince Aditi to leave him.

"It's been a year," she replied

"What?" I shouted

"Stop shouting, Vivaan." Anaya advised, and I took a deep breath, trying to process the shocking revelation.

"Are you listening to her, lavender? She's in love with the person who kept you away from me for a whole month," I expressed, and Anaya acknowledged with a nod.

"Love is love, Vivaan. Yeh Kisi se bhi aur kabhi bhi ho sakta hai." Anaya responded in a gentle tone.

(It can happen to anyone at any time.)

"Love someone else, Aditi. Just not him." I said, but she shook her head.

"I regret telling you now, bhai," Aditi said, tears shimmering in her eyes.

"Oh, Aditi" Anaya uttered softly, embracing her. Anaya shot me a glare during the hug.

"You need to accept this, Vivaan" Anaya insisted, and I resisted, shaking my head.

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