Chapter 1.7: Sibling's bickering

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After reaching home, they found that the whole house was quiet and the same as they left. 

Jin and Namjoon quickly went to check on Y/n, who was peacefully asleep in her room

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Jin and Namjoon quickly went to check on Y/n, who was peacefully asleep in her room. They sighed in relief.

Jin: "See, she's fine. But we will not let this happen again."

Namjoon: "Yep. Now, get some rest."

As Jin and Namjoon left Y/n's room, they found Taehyung and Jungkook discussing something in hushed tones.

As Jin and Namjoon left Y/n's room, they found Taehyung and Jungkook discussing something in hushed tones

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Taehyung: (in shock) "She really didn't wake up during all this?"

Jungkook: "Not at all. I told you she's a heavy sleeper?"

Jin: "Alright, you two. Let's not disturb her. We'll talk more in the morning. Everyone needs some rest."

With this, all went to sleep in their respective bedrooms. After 10 minutes, Jungkook went to the kitchen to drink some water. 

He came to living room and some noise coming from the kitchen.

Jungkook: (to himself) What was that sound? Everyone went to sleep already. Is there a mouse in our house?

At kitchen

He did what his first instinct told him to do

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He did what his first instinct told him to do. He took a stick and started moving towards the kitchen with light steps. Then he saw a shadow near the fridge.

Jungkook: (to himself) "Is this a thief?"

Saying this, he was about to hit that person, but then the figure near the fridge turned to face him, making both scream at each other.

In the dim light of the kitchen, he realized it wasn't a thief but rather Jin, rummaging through the fridge.

Jin: "Jungkook, man! You scared the life out of me!"

Jungkook: "Jin Hyung, what are you doing in the kitchen at this hour? You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Jin chuckled, closing the fridge door.

Jin: "Couldn't sleep. I was hungry. Thought I'd grab a snack. Didn't expect to get beaten in my own kitchen."

Jungkook lowered the stick, embarrassment evident on his face.

Jungkook: "Sorry about that. I thought there was an intruder or something."

Jin: "Well, next time maybe just ask instead of attacking. I live here too, you know."

Jungkook scratched the back of his head, realizing the truth in Jin's words.

Jungkook: "Yeah, my bad. I guess I'm a bit on edge after tonight's events. By the way, aren't you the one who sent all to sleep, and now you are secretly munching Y/n's cookies."

Jin: (embarrassed) "Yaah, it's my cookies. See, here Y/n's cookies are kept here."

Jungkook nodded, a small smile forming.

Jungkook: "Okay. Now I am hungry too."

Jin: (offering cookies to Jungkook) "Here, take this. We also have some more snacks."

They both gathered some snacks from the kitchen and headed to the living room.

In living room

 As they sat on the couch, munching on their snacks, they heard footsteps

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 As they sat on the couch, munching on their snacks, they heard footsteps.

Namjoon, who had come downstairs after a shower to drink water, entered the living room.

Namjoon: "What's going on here? Why are you two still awake?"

Namjoon said while drying his hair with a towel hanging around his neck.

Jungkook: "Hyung, I came to drink water and I heard something in the kitchen."

Jin: "And Jungkook mistook me for a thief."

Namjoon chuckled and went to the kitchen to drink water. As Namjoon came while sipping the water from his bottle, Jungkook and Namjoon exchanged mischievous glances as Jin was munching on his late-night snack.

Namjoon: "Jin Hyung, it's like you are 24/7 hungry. No wonder you're the first one in the kitchen."

Jin, with a mouthful of snacks, simply said.

Jin: "What can I say? I appreciate the finer things in life, and food is definitely one of them."

Jungkook smirked, joining in on the teasing.

Jungkook: "I swear, Hyung, you can sniff out food from miles away. Are you sure you're not part bloodhound (Dog breed who has an incredible sense of smell)?"

Jin and Namjoon chuckled.

Jin: "Yaah, you both let me eat peacefully."

Namjoon: "I bet you already have tomorrow's breakfast planned out."

Jin: "You won the bet then."

Namjoon: "Jin, the foodie expert. We should get you a chef's hat or a foodie label."

Jin: (whining) "Yaah, you both stop making fun of me. I am going to sleep. Goodnight, you two."

Jungkook/Namjoon: "Good night."

Jungkook and Namjoon chuckled as Jin headed to his room. They wished each other Good night and went to their own rooms.





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I have my exam soon so I might not be able to keep up for somedays but i will try to post one part every day

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