Intubation Oneshot

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So, this was a request from one of the readers, but since the book was coming to an end, I wasn't able to add her request. However, I promised to make a one-shot of it. Due to being busy, I wasn't able to make a YouTube video for it, so I am adding it in this book itself so you all can read it too.

At first, I was making it as a totally separate chapter, but then I thought to make it an alternate chapter of when Y/N fell from the stairs. Instead of just Taekook and Namjoon operating on her, I included all her brothers in the surgery. And as in that chapter, I showed all her soft brothers getting angry at her for skipping meals, I made changes in this version; instead of the soft brothers Jimin, Jin, and J-Hope getting angry, I made her strict brothers scold her as always.

So let's begin.

The emergency room buzzed with a tense energy as the medical team worked frantically to stabilize Y/n, who was lying unconscious on the operating table

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The emergency room buzzed with a tense energy as the medical team worked frantically to stabilize Y/n, who was lying unconscious on the operating table. The fluorescent lights above cast a harsh glow on her and her brothers who were in surgical scrubs and masks.

Namjoon stood at the head of the table; his knuckles were white as he gripped the edge of the bed. His eyes were dark with fear and a silent promise that he would not let his sister's life slip away. He could see the blood pooling around the wound continuously.

Namjoon: (clenching his fists) "Hyung, she's losing too much blood. We need to control the bleeding."

Jin, positioned at Y/N's side, was suctioning the blood with mechanical precision. The blood flowed relentlessly, staining the surgical drapes and pooling on the floor.

Jin: (voice steady) "She's strong. She's going to get through this."

But suddenly, the monitors started beeping erratically, filling the room with a deafening alarm. Namjoon's heart skipped a beat as he glanced at the screen. Y/N's oxygen levels were plummeting, and her chest began to heave as she struggled for breath.

Suga was focused on monitoring her vitals he immediately noticed the change.

Suga: (voice urgent, bordering on panic) "Her oxygen levels are crashing! She's going into respiratory distress!"

J-Hope, who had been assisting Jin, immediately reached for the intubation kit with trembling hands.

J-Hope: (urgently, his voice cracking) "We need to intubate her, now!"

Before anyone else could react, Jungkook made a split-second decision. He stepped forward,

Jungkook: "I'll handle it. Everyone, give me space!"

Jimin looked at Jungkook with concern. He knew how critical this moment was. Taehyung hesitated for a moment before speaking but before him Jimin spoke.

Jimin: "Are you sure, Jungkook?"

Jungkook turned to face his brother with confidence.

Jungkook: (firmly) "I mean it Hyung. I can do this."

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