Chapter 3.0: It's time to relax a bit.

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Soon, exam started. The room was quiet, except for the sound of pens scratching against paper. As you completed each section, you exchanged subtle glances to check on each other's progress. After the exam, the friends went outside, discussing the paper.

In corridor,

Yunjin: "That last question was tricky

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Yunjin: "That last question was tricky. I hope I interpreted it right."

Rose: "I struggled with time management, to be honest. Those three hours flew by like 30 minutes."

Y/n: "Yeah, but overall, I think this paper was easier than all."

Jake: (stretching his arms) "Now, it's time to relax a bit."

At school - 2 pm

As you walked towards the exit of the school building, you all started talking about vacations. Everyone decided to have a friend's time before parting ways for summer vacation.

 Everyone decided to have a friend's time before parting ways for summer vacation

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Rose: "I heard there's a new café opened up nearby."

Y/n: "Jhope oppa mentioned it once; it's somewhere near their hospital."

Rose: "Anyone up for trying it?"

Yunjin: "Sure, why not? We won't get to see each other for months now; let's have fun for the last day."

Jake: "Count me in."

Jay: "Sounds good to me. Y/n, you coming, right?"

Y/n hesitated for a moment, glancing at Jay.

Y/n: (hesitated) "I'd love to, but you know oppa, right? I don't think they will allow me."

Rose: (sad) "Ah, again. We get it. Another time then."

Y/n: (apologetic) "I am sorry, Rose. You guys go; I promise I will come with you another day."

Rose: (angry) "You always say this. I don't know when that 'another day' will come. You're not even sure about summer camp."

Y/n: "I know, Rose, but what can I do? I have to get their permission first. But don't worry, this time I will come."

Rose: (angry) "Don't talk to me, I am mad at you right now"

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