Chapter 4.0: Siblings Negotiations

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In Y/n's ward - 10:00 am

The next morning, you opened your eyes, and no one was near you

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The next morning, you opened your eyes, and no one was near you. You rubbed your eyes and tried to get up, but your hand started paining. You let out a low wince and stayed in the same position. Just then, Jin came out of the washroom after getting fresh and changing his clothes. He saw you and came near you.

Jin: (smiling) "Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

Y/n: (groggy) "Oppa. My hand hurts a bit."

Jin: (concerned) "Let me check it. Are you in a lot of pain?"

You nodded, and Jin gently examined your hand.

Jin: (softly) "Don't worry, it's normal. First, have your breakfast, and then take your medicine; it will reduce your pain."

You nodded, still upset from yesterday. You were not in the mood to smile or talk to them. Jin sensed that you were still angry, so he tried to place his hand on your head, but you looked away.

However, a nurse brought in your breakfast, and Jin helped you sit up, arranging the pillows for your comfort.

Jin: "Eat slowly and take your time. For now, bear with hospital food. If you don't like it, then at lunchtime, I will bring lunch from home."

Jin arranged the table to set the breakfast and took a bite to feed you.

Jin: (soft) "Here, let me feed you. It will be difficult with the cast to eat."

Y/n: (cold) "I can manage, Oppa."

Jin knew you were so stubborn that you would not agree to him until you tried it yourself, so he let you do what you wanted.

Jin: (soft) "You sure?"

You nodded and took the chopsticks, trying to take a bite from your left hand because your right hand had a cast, making it difficult to hold the chopsticks. Jin silently smiled at your small struggles to take a bite, and then he took the chopsticks from your hand and started feeding you. At first, you were not ready to open your mouth, but Jin insisted, so you let him feed you.

Jin: (soft) "Don't be so stubborn, baby. Open your mouth."

Y/n: (mumbling) "I can take care of myself."

Jin: "Is it? But I don't think so it's true, and it will not hurt to let others care for you too."

You sat silently, taking bites of the food, and your other brothers entered.

J-Hope: (smiling) "Good morning, everyone! How's our patient doing?"

Jimin: (soft) "Baby! How are you feeling today?"

Namjoon: (playful) "Jin Hyung, are you force-feeding her again?"

Jin: (defending) "I'm just making sure she eats. She's still being stubborn."

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