Epilogue: 2 Months Later

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In Y/n's Room,

Time: 8.00 am,

The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across Y/n's room

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The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across Y/n's room. As always Y/n, was still buried under her blankets. Just then door creaked open, and Jin tiptoed in, followed by the rest of the boys.

Jin: (whispering, keeping finger on his mouth) "Shhh. Time to wake the princess."

J-Hope nods, holding a tray of cheesecake. Jimin holds a box of confetti. Jungkook has a guitar, and Taehyung clutches a stuffed bunny.

Namjoon: (mouthing) "On the count of three. One...two...three!"

Everyone: "Happy birthday, Y/n!"

Y/n: (groans, burrowing deeper under her blankets) "Five more minutes...Oppa"

Jimin: (laughing, pulling the blankets off her) "Oh no, you don't. Wake up, dumpling!"

Taehyung: (placing the stuffed bunny next to her) "Look who came to wish you a happy birthday, baby."

Jimin: (sprinkling confetti over her head) "Look at you, birthday girl!"

Y/n: (rubbing her eyes, finally sitting up) "What's going on?"

Jungkook: (strumming the guitar lightly) "Happy birthday, princess! We brought you cake."

Namjoon: (sitting at the piano) "And some entertainment."

Jin: (sitting beside her) "You have school today, but we wanted to make sure you started your day with a smile."

Y/n: (eyes lighting up as she sees the cheesecake) "Thanks, Oppa. (takes a bite of the cheesecake) This is so good!"

Suga: (standing back with a camera, snapping a few pictures) "Always clumsy."

J-Hope: (handing her a glass of orange juice) "Alright, let's eat and get ready. School's not going to wait."

Y/n: (giggling) "Okay."

Jungkook: (strumming a lively tune on the guitar) "How about a birthday song? One, two, three..."

The room fills with music as RM joins in on the piano, and the rest of the boys sing a heartfelt birthday song.

Taehyung: (hugging her from behind) "What gift does my baby sister want?"

Y/n: (thinking for a moment, then smiling) "Just spending time with you all is the best gift."

Jin: (smiling) "Well, we have planned something for you for evening party. You'll love it."

Y/n: (curious) "Really? What is it?"

Jimin: (smirk) "Ah-ah-ah, it's a surprise. You'll have to wait and see!"

Y/n: "I can't wait. This is the best birthday morning ever!"

With a final nod and hugs, everyone leaves the room, and Y//n gets ready for her school.

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