Chapter 7.7: Don't you understand in one go, Y/n?

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While Y/n friends was busy taking revenge with Hyejin, Y/n was having breakfast in hospital.

In Y/n's ward,

Time- 11 am,

Y/n: "Oppa please stop, I am already full I can't eat anymore"

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Y/n: "Oppa please stop, I am already full I can't eat anymore"

Suga: (chuckles softly) "Come on, just a few more bites. You need to regain your strength." offers a spoonful of soup "For me?"

Y/n: (smiling) "Alright, just for you. Happy now?"

Suga: (ruffle her hairs) "Very. You know I only want the best for you."

Y/n: (nodding) "I know. Btw Oppa, where is Jin and Tae Oppa I haven't seen them"

Jungkook: (nervous smile) 'Jin Hyung is busy and Tae Hyung (interrupted)"

Taehyung: (walking forward) "I am here baby"

Y/n: (brightening up) "Tae Oppa!"

Taehyung: (leaning in to kiss on your forehead) "How's my favorite patient doing?"

Y/n: (smile) "I'm feeling better now that you're here, Tae Oppa."

Taehyung: "That's what I like to hear." (turns to Suga and Jungkook) "Well, now that I am here, you two can go to your departments."

Suga: (nodding) (getting up from seat) "Okay, then I will get going but don't hesitate to call if you need anything, okay?"

Jungkook: (smiling) "Baby, rest well, I will come back in the evening."

Y/n: "Okay Oppa."

Taehyung: (taking a seat beside your bed) "So, what have you been up to, princess?"

Y/n: (giggling) "Just trying to convince Suga Oppa to stop feeding me."

Suga: (playfully rolling his eyes) "Hey, she needs her strength."

Suga and Jungkook leave the room, and Taehyung adores you as you say bye to your brothers.

Taehyung: (chuckling) "Well, it looks like you're in a good mood, at least." (glancing at the IV bag and then her pointing her head injury) "How's the pain? Do you need anything?"

Y/n: (shaking her head) "I'm okay for now, but can you please remove this needle from my hand? It's paining a lot."

Taehyung: "No, I can't until this one finishes."

Y/n: (frowning slightly) "I really don't want to wait. It's bothering me a lot."

Taehyung: (understanding her frustration) "I know it's uncomfortable, but it's important for your recovery. Try to endure a little longer, okay?"

Y/n: (reluctantly nodding) "Fine, but please remove it as soon this one finishes."

Taehyung nods and pats her hand reassuringly, hoping to ease her discomfort. Just then, Taehyung's phone starts ringing, and he picks up the call.

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