Chapter 2.0: New Faces.

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As you entered the hallway, Rose noticed Jay was leaning on the locker, engaged in a deep conversation with Jake, his best friend

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As you entered the hallway, Rose noticed Jay was leaning on the locker, engaged in a deep conversation with Jake, his best friend.

Rose: (whispering) "ooh, look who's there."

Yunjin: (giggling) "Jay and his little sidekick."

Y/n: (laughing) "Please, for god sake don't say this in front of them."

Rose: (sarcastically) "Oh, right. Or else we will be breakfast of an angry tiger."

Y/n: "You're the one who always initiate the fight, Rose."

Rose: "Oh, come on Y/n. Jake tease me too, so I just reply him back."

Y/n: (rolling her eyes) "It's called arguing not replying back."

Y/n and Yunjin starts laughing while Rose stand there rolling her eyes.

Yunjin (nudging y/n): "Come on, let's go say hi."

You follow your friends and approach Jay and Jake. 

Jay: (noticing the girls approaching) "Hey there, My powerpuff girls."

Yunjin: "Hey, Jay! What's up?"

Jay: "Not much, just catching up with Jake."

Rose: "So Jake, how's it going?"

Jake: (smiling) "All good. Just the usual. What about you?"

Rose: (teasing)  "Just watching you two inseparable buddies."

Jay: (laughing) "Inseparable buddies? More like partners in crime, right Jake?"

Jake: (playfully rolling his eyes) "Oh please, Jay. If anything, you're the mastermind here."

Yunjin: (laughing) "Well, at least you both found your match."

Rose: (teasingly) "Yeah, a match made in chaos."

Jake: (mockingly) "Chaos? Says the one who always meddles in others business."

Rose: (offended) "I prefer to call it 'adding excitement."

This is how Rose and Jake again started arguing.

Jay: (chuckling) "Excitement or chaos, you both do make things interesting."

Yunjin: "Speaking of which, did you guys hear about the Escape downtown quest? I heard it's pretty challenging."

Jake: "Challenging, huh?"

Yunjin: (smirking) "I bet even you two couldn't escape that one."

Jake: (raising an eyebrow) "Challenge accepted."

Jay: "Oh, it's on! We'll see who is the real MVP."

Yunjin: "I will see you both in the game"

(Escape downtown is a quest in Very popular game Startrack harbor which is played on play station. Jay, Jake and Yunjin used to play this game together. While Y/n and Rose were least interested in quest games. They were more into action games or you can say they never really tried to play quest games)

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