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Hello everyone. Back again with the double updates. We have had Reya's pov and her wonderful yet unnecessary thoughts. Well now its time for us to have our lovely Loren.


If my day was going to get worse than it already has, it would be none other than me having close to two hours of History.

I'm tired, hungry and stressed out. Jamie practically dragged my ass throughout lunch to hang out with jocks that, I was never on good terms with. He knows and yet he still did it.

Well there goes his free ride home.
He can get a ride from his jock friends.

Being on the basketball team indeed gives some privileges like, the football team but, the school focuses more on the football team as they, win more seasonal games unlike we the basketball team.

  It's not that we suck but Jamie our star player, is never serious with games which costs us to lose major points and the fact that I'm off the team for the time being makes it worse cause, no one can control him.

Coach had spoken to me in the morning when I got to school, and asked me to talk some sense into Jamie.
Which is as hard as it looks. Cause I am not on the team this season due to certain problems.

I told coach I would try but,  he insisted that I do so immediately. Which brought me to lunch after 4 hours of classes to talk to Jamie about Coach and tell him to be serious about this season because, it would probably be our last.

Trying to converse with him, led me to being dragged around like a fucking doll and listening meaningless jokes.

I sighed constantly enduring them while staring at my lunch food from across the table. but the fact that jabs were made at me, 'Playfully might they add', Made me lose my appetite instantly.

I love my food, so making me lose my appetite goes a long way. So what happens when a man doesn't eat?

He becomes Cranky.

Cranky, is what I am right now and History, is not doing a good job to make me happy.

Jamie is in fucking trouble with me for making me miss my lunch for fucking jocks.

I sigh again,  God knows how many times I have done that today.

"Is there something bothering you?" Luke my seat partner asks. I shook my head in reply.

Heaven knows I ain't got no appetite to answer his questions. He nods at my answer and goes back to paying attention to the projector screen.

Sighs. Why am I here again? Oh history I love history. The study of man, society, the past, present and future.

Someone help me.

I turn to look out the window watching the trees and somehow zoning out.

I still haven't  been able to talk to Reya yet this month.

This Month!!!


I sit up at that. Earning a side glance from Luke.

A month has fucking passed and I still haven't said hello. Damn! what the hell have I been doing. I put my hands on my head, dramatically scratching and scattering my perfectly styled and sprayed hair.

Have I really been an idiot for a long month. How did the whole month pass so fast? Yeah there was homework, the weekends too. So, what made me miss the opportunity? Jesus have I really been in ghost thoughts this whole month?

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