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Alright let's get to the double update. I'm back to you live with full inspirations.
This is a picture of Jamie, If anyone wants to know how Loren looks like, his picture is chapter one.

I will repost it later too.

Alright let's get it

I found Jamie at the schools gym. Good for him. I walked towards him, he was talking with a girl, short straight blonde hair, pure skin with brown eyes.

She's practically half his height as she is dressed in a white sleeveless crop top, a black straight cheerleader skirt and white sneakers. She smiled at whatever he was saying as they both laughed.

I tapped him on his shoulder both of them looked at me "we need to talk" I said

He looked at me and smiled "yeah man we do I heard about Reya man that shit spread really fast."

I felt pleased about his words but that was not my main reason for finding him. "Now" I say straight faced. His smile drops a little before glancing at the girl next to him. She nods in understanding.

"I'll see you later Sam" He says as she trun walking away.
"Bye Sam" I call out. She looks back giving me a weird look.

Jamie stares at me with a 'what was that look'. I ignore him taking a seat at the bleachers. "Have you talked to coach?" I ask glancing up at him.

"Coach? why what for? What do I need to talk about with him?" He walks away from where I'm sitting and I stand following after him

"He talked to me this morning" I reply. His steps halt and he turns back to face me
"About what?" He asks, as His eyes narrow. He knows where this conversation is going.

"You are not being serious about practise anymore nor our games. This season is going to be our last and you have to quit playing around and focus more on practise you are our ace so stop playing around and perform better at the games so we can win more this season."
I know better than anyone else that Jamie is good more than me but he has fucked up alot and I would really want us to win a trophy before we leave for college.

"And whose fucking fault is it?" He yells.

"W-what?" I stutter, eyes going wide. Did he just fucking yell at me.

"Why did you have to get suspended when you didn't do anything so why the fuck did you have to be suspended not him that piece of sh-"

"Enough" I roar cutting him off as he stares at me with anger and I do the same my eyes blazing with emotions.

We had reached a stalemate. "That's not part of the conversation" I say " All I want to tell you is that, you should focus more on practise and stop making coach worried." I say and walk away. I'm way more annoyed than he probably is.

I know the reason for his anger but I didn't need his support. it happened and that's it.

I took responsibility for the accident and got my punishment that doesn't mean Jamie should remain hung up on it and totally slack off
"If you are just going to say what you want then leave fine. I'm not going to listen.

"Jamie" I turn glaring.

"The only reason that guy is not in a hospital was because you threatened to leave B-ball if I ever went after thay guy. Now you got suspended a whole season because of an asshole

"Stop it" I warn. He doesn't need to bring it up again

"No" he shouts glaring at me. "The only reason I play Basketball is because of you. You love it as much as I do and put in so much effort and pratise into it that I work just as hard so you dont leave me behind. And you expect me to focus on a sport I barely like when the reason i'm even on that team is because of you."

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