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Youkozo. This is a pretty long chapter so, enjoy it guys. 

Let's get it.

Why does it feel like when everything is perfect, suddenly, it starts to fucking suck. Reya is missing. She hasn't been to school in three days and to me, that is considered missing as all my calls have gone to voicemail and all my texts have been left unread. It's like she suddenly ghosted.

I sigh as I retract everything that happened from Monday from school down to today which is Friday. After school on Monday, Jamie and I decided to trail Reya home after school we had gotten our things and headed to my car to drop them off. "So, should we drive or walk?" I ask him as he shuts the car door.

"I thought you knew stalking 101 already?" he asks with a raised brow. I roll my eyes at his words and lock the car. "I don't know about that and can we put aside the fact that I always watched her not stalk her" I clarify with my brow raised.

"It's the same thing, man. Doing it in your head and with your eyes is the same as doing it with your body." He gestures and turns to watch Reya walk to the other side of the road. "Are we walking or not?" he adds turning back to me his thumb pointed out in Reya's direction.

"Let's drive it's easier and she did mention that she lives far away," I suggest opening the door of the driver seat. We get in and I start the car. "Really?" his brows crease in worry, "How far?" putting on my seat belt, I shrug "I don't know but we will find out today."

He nods as I slowly pull out of the school lot into the road. The car moves slowly, as We trail her steadily for a few blocks. My heart beats fast as I grip the steering wheel tighter. The ride is silent, following her steadily, she doesn't look tired nor does she stop for a bus.

"How long has she been walking for?" Jamie asks adjusting in his seat. I scratch my brow and sigh out. "I don't know man a couple of miles now."

"We have been in the car for over an hour dude. How far is her house? Isn't there a bus? Why didn't she use that?" I nod my head to the side, "Right back at you man." Jamie and I have been tailing her for a few miles and now, I'm starting to panic wondering where Reya actually lives. She turns to a corner and I park waiting a few minutes before I drive into the road she walked to. Fewer cars are on the road meaning I have to be more careful. The road is narrow and desolate. A few abandoned houses line both sides of the road, street graffiti marks the walls and dirt is scattered around the street. The area looks run down and abandoned. What is she doing here?

I park in front of an appropriate house and kill the engine. Jamie and I looked at each other, without saying a word, we got out of the car and proceeded to slowly follow her down the street. We walk for about fifteen minutes passing by an abandoned basketball court and park, we keep our distance. She stops in front of a weird slightly stable house, the painting is old making the house look abandoned and creepy. The steps look old and creaking just like the house, like it can break from a single step but Reya climbs it with ease. I stop walking placing my arm across Jamie's steps he halts and looks at me, I nod towards Reya and he looks at her as she enters the house.

Jamie and I nod at each other and turn walking back to the car. As we get in, he sighs, "Well that is definitely something to hide." I don't reply to him, a million thoughts running through my mind and I start the car reversing out of the street and back to the road home.

I drop Jamie off at home and drive to the house. I park, lock the car, and enter the house dazed. I frown as the images of the Reya's neighbourhood flash in my mind. I run my finger through my hair and head up to my room. Slamming my door shut I sit in my reading chair and think. I started to feel weird as discomfort gripped my chest. I forced myself to breathe and not overthink. Everything can be solved through questions.

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