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Thank you for the 400 reads, it's means a lot to me that people are reading this book. Thank you so much.

Our beautiful Reya's POV here. Let's enjoy the love and continue from chapter 24. It may be a little confusing, but it's going to make sense. If you feel lost, the chapter ahead will correlate everything for you, and if you have any questions, comment on them, and I will explain.

Let's get it.

I am slammed hard into the ground, causing it to crumble and crack beneath me, and I am forced to cough up blood. "Did you think I wouldn't find out!" he roars out. I force myself to hear him from the ringing of my ears and my suffocating lungs that are healing take in painful and punctured breaths. I frown with confusion 'What the hell is this fucker talking about?' He spits on me and I grimace setting a dark glare at his mouth and face.

"Don't give me that look you bastard whore you think you can deceive me and see him again?" my heart squeezes, panicking at his threat my mind races through a million thoughts. Did something happen to Loren? Does he know about our relationship?

"You think you can betray me, go behind my back to break off your engagement and rally the nobles that hate me so they can reverse the seal and you can be free!" my body freezes and my blood runs cold. How? How did he find out? The plan was immaculate and carefully constructed.

"Oh! You thought I wouldn't know? That I'm some weak scum demon who only thinks of bloodshed and has nothing for brains? Did you think I'm a fool? How did you think I was able to rise through my ranks? By mere bloodshed? One has to be cunning in the demon realm and you,..." he said pointing at me with promised suffering, hatred and wishful death "...Are not cunning enough. You are rather stupid to think all the people who came to you were actually there to support you." my eyes widen at his words, Ignoring the pain in my multiple cracked ribs, I stand and spit blood at his feet.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I lie using confidence, Viel could not have betrayed me, so who did? Rohan laughs, and it's dark and manic. "Do you think I am some fool you can use to cover lies with confidence?" I let my face remain poker, not breaking my blank expression.

"You really don't know do you," he tells me and I narrow my brows 'What does this man want to say?'. He takes a step towards me his chest expanding largely and he rolls his shoulder and jaw. He is getting into an attacking stand and I quickly stay on defence

"That your beloved elder whom you so trusted has never been in support of you" As he says the words my body halts and freezes, defeat and betrayal sinking into my blood I don't move or dodge as his large claw hand grabs my entire face and smashes my head on the ground. I feel my skull rattle and blood ooze out of my head. Spots dance in my gaze as I black out but all I can think is why, why! Why?

Why did my grandfather betray me?


*Viel and Reya's meetings*


I never knew who my mother was but I did know of my grandfather as my father had introduced me to him once. He was the tenth elder and when he saw me that day, I knew he didn't like me. I wondered if it was hatred for killing my mother after I was born or the fact that my mother a half-demon had fallen in love with my father a lowly demon who had barely risen in the ranks. But because my father wanted my grandfather's recognition, he worked hard and killed like a beast rising quickly through the ranks. Still, it wasn't enough and the next time I saw him, he complimented my father meagrely for his work and said I looked like a weak low class demon and I wasn't worthy of my father's expectations. 

That was the final straw. My father's mind broke and he became totally obsessed with gaining power through any means no matter the consequence even if it meant me. That was when my life of torture began. A demon at 60 is still considered very much a child considering a demon of 300 is mildly 30 to 35 in human age as demons don't grow fast due to our environment, we are forced to remain young and gather much energy which will propel us to grow.

My life of torture and death began at 6, 60 in the demon age. 60 may sound old to you but it's a blink in life existence for us as we are still considered infants at that age and have barely formed our core energy. I was broken, beaten, burned, sliced, and torn apart by my father and this went on for 8 years till I was 12. No amount of pleading or crying reached his ears and all he did was smile and tell me not to make a sound and instead grow stronger for him. My life as a puppet began then and I started killing for him. Any mission or competition he laid his hand on, I was used or sent even if I came back with a missing arm or leg, he would tell me to grow another one or attach it back. I lost my father when I was six and lived with a monster till 18.

That monster never became normal again.


When I come to, I find myself underground, it's dark and damp almost like a cellar but smaller. My arms and legs are chained, spreading my body on both sides. I breathe out in relief when I find my limbs intact and start to circulate my energy. Entering my thoughts, my mind flashes to the meeting Viel and I had with my grandfather. He barely acknowledged me as always but considering I came with the Duke; he gave us face and asked us what we wanted. When I told him about the plan, he frowned but agreed clearly stating that he didn't feel our marriage was compatible saying and I quote,

"Reya does not deserve the Duke home and it is quite pleasing you want to reverse this arrangement since it was your idea, Duke Viel I will also sign and talk with the elders that way we can get this farce of a marriage over with."

I had ignored his jab at me and smiled shamelessly bringing the scroll of signatures to him and he signed where his name was and waved his hand for me to go away. Viel and I had ignored his attitude considering we had gotten what we came for and we could move on with our lives if everything had gone as planned but then the fucker goes behind our back? He is dead when I see him? I seethe taking in mouthfuls of air in the dark cramped place. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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