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Hey guys this is the continuation of the fight, let's see how Reya beats the shit out of dear Rohan or is it vice versa?

Let's get it.

I leap in the air with great force propelling myself forward with my claws and striking down towards my father, he crosses his arms over his head in an attempt to block. My claw strikes down tearing deep into his flesh, revealing his bones. Blood flows out of his wounds and drips to the ground, flesh torn on both arms, he is not fazed by it and snarls his fangs in display. His claws come out longer than mine, he claws for my stomach and I dodge taking a step back. He hisses at his miss and I smirk.

He lunges at me striking for my head, I dodge to the left punching at his elbow with full force and it cracks, a satisfying sound. I kick him in the chest simultaneously and use his chest as a propeller to back away from him. he coughs blood holding his dislocated hand, He pants hard as he glares at me in anger. What I did is not enough, he will just heal it back quickly so I need to be faster and deliver enough damage.

I settle my thoughts and clear my head of unnecessary thoughts; It's my turn to attack. I move faster than the human eye appearing behind his back, I swing out to strike his back, he twists into the air blocking my arm with one leg and the other swings down to my face I block with my right hand to lessen the pressure of his kick. His powerful kick moves me back with great force causing me to dig my feet to the ground to find balance.

I stretch to my height and look up, Rohan in mid-air descends with a drop kick and I evade in time. The ground splits at his impact but that doesn't stop him from landing another ferocious kick at my side. I wince as my ribs shatter on impact the force carrying a few feet away from him. I land on the ground and roll over just as his punch lands on the ground beside my head. The ground deforms as I land a back kick to his head.

He stumbles back on the impact and I rise willing myself to heal quickly. Rohan is healing faster, the hand he is using to hold his head from my back kick was the elbow I shattered. He healed that already huh? Should I use demonic energy? No there is no point in using added force on what will be a stalemate. It's better to settle this with fists.

I appear in his front with speed giving him an uppercut, his head moves backwards and I land another punch to the side of his face, his head moving in the other direction to the force of the punch. He doesn't grunt but grits his teeth. Yes, Dad take it like a champ. I give him a liver shot, punching his liver to which he doubles over I use my claws to strike down his head but he recovers quickly and dodges backwards just as my claws run down his chest deeply, I kick him the balls to add a finishing touch but he grips my ankle and shatters it on impact.

I swallow down the pain and leap into the air to give him a side kick on the head and shoulder. He lets go of my ankle and I hop into the air with my good leg giving more energy to my right leg so I can heal before Rohan can recover. But he does and he is quick to lunge into the air and claws out for my throat. I dodge in the air and slice his back. He turns with speed clawing at my chest and I dodge to his side, clawing his face.

Blood drips on my claws some spilling on my face from the attack, he spins, giving a roundhouse kick that I block with both arms to prevent my healing rib from taking another damage, the force of his kick moving me back a few feet. He flies towards me with a straight punch I lean back, punching him in the chest and sending him off flying with a kick.

He growls at his growing defeat and I smile flashing razor teeth. The elders stand by watching us battle our lives out. They all knew the eventual outcome of the battle because even if I did win or lose, the decree could not be revoked or disobeyed. But being able to fight Rohan with all of my rage right now, is enough as long as I get to kick this bastard to the ground.

I float down to the ground and test my ankle strength by slamming my foot to the ground. It breaks on impact. I nod, It's in full condition. Father lands a few feet away from me his hands healed. I nod at him too we are both in perfect condition again so it's time to end this.

"Let's end this" he growls out mirroring my thoughts and I nod again to him replying.

"Could say the same" At my word, we lunge for each other with our claws out. Punches land and miss, the flesh is torn and healed, blood splattering around us but the scent causes us to smile as we become frenzied going deeper into the darkness of our demonic sides my eyes turn black, my senses heightening as I knee Rohan in the gut. He holds my knee almost shattering it but I move away in time.

His eyes darken and he moves faster and stronger. His punches land more and it's hard to breathe, dodge, heal and attack at the same time but I do it. Tearing more at his skin but he doesn't care about his torn skin and continues to fight me. He leans forward and I swing but he dodges causing me to lean forward.

Shit! I fell for it.

He smirks and grips my throat hard with enough force to shatter my windpipe. I cough out blood at the impact. He holds me with one arm and beats me harder, forcing me into a weakened state. His punches land everywhere and I can barely defend myself with my throat in his hand, I claw at his skin tearing it down to his bone, he doesn't flinch and continues to hit me. I swing my leg hard aiming for his balls. He drops me fast taking a deep sharp breath gripping his manhood. I land on the floor and begin to self-heal.

I stand slowly and weakly raise my hands. They are shaking, they have blocked most of Rohan's attack and have taken damage but they're healing. Rohan is also recovering as he glares at me in hatred. I return the favour glaring back at him in equal hatred.

"ENOUGH!" the twelfth elder shouts, a strong demonic force is released it pressures me to the ground like gravity. The energy force is stronger causing my wounds to reopen and I hiss out.

"Reya Von Striyx we have tolerated your childish tantrums but you will insult this council no further" I chuckle out at his words. Childish? Tantrums? Me? I have tolerated this man I call father for years and I have held in the hatred and rage I have for him for so long. It grew to the point it became an abyss; an abyss so deep that if I touched it, I wouldn't get to the bottom of it. So, I covered it, I didn't look at it and in turn, I sacrificed all of my emotions for it.

I chose to live like a doll, a puppet so I could have a slice of peace, no matter how little it was, I chased for it; that peace is like a light that calls to me constantly and I want to follow it but I've been chained down to my abyss I can't walk further, the hatred and rage had become too deep to just abandon it. Meeting Loren, and the girls, for the first time I felt it was okay to let go to drop my hatred and recover my sacrifices. 

But then, he swoops in to take it all away. Again, and again he has done it taking from me and feeding on my despair with joy. He can't take him away from me and I won't leave him. I will protect Loren even if it means my death and I will not sacrifice my love for a life time of pain and suffering just to boost this bastard's ego. That is why I fought him to let him get a taste of my pain and suffering but it's still not enough

My laughter doesn't please the elders, they all frown at my actions but I ignore them.

"Your fight is over Rohan take your daughter home; the decree has been finalised by us. Reya Von Striyx, heed the words of the council you are to meet with the archdemon Viel Don Tauss in two weeks for your introduction and the finalization of the arrangements for your union. Now, Get Out." The seal activates at the twelfth elders' words and I laugh again.

"Fuck you" I mutter, and I close my eyes embracing the darkness.

So guys thoughts about how shit went down? how the fight was? the elders and the council? Reya is able to infuse all her anger into the battle between her and her father sadly she couldn't beat him I wish she did though.

Anyways, the next chapter will be double updates both might be Loren's pov but who knows? it may take a while for me to update it but I will come through soon. PS, the story is slowly coming to an end like I said in the beginning it's a short story so let's enjoy it. See you soon


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