Chapter 4 - Meeting Room

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"Never trust your fears, they don't know your strength"

- Athena Singh


Amara's POV:

The next day I wake up, and immediately pain shoots down the right side of my face. I slowly get up and walk over to the small mirror that is stuck to one of the walls. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I state aloud. The whole left side of my face is scabbed with a bruise gliding along my jaw. "I swear that damn police off..."

"Hey, you up?" A man on the other side of the door says. I soon recognised it as Felix, the head of the group home I'm in. He's nice. "Ahh, yeah I'm up". I say, still looking at my face.

"Okay, come on down when you're ready" He leaves, walking down the stairs. Leaving me to get dressed for the day. Ahh, what do I pick? My first T-shirt or my second T-shirt.

Being hated by the only two parental figures I have in my life has left me with a total of four tops, two pairs of pants, one pair of shoes (That's pretty much falling apart), a grey sweater and a coat. I finally get dressed in a dark blue top and a light pair of jeans. I'm not a morning person at all so I'm struggling. Slowly I make it downstairs, turning the corner into the large communal kitchen. The smell of bacon hits my senses in a single second making my mouth instantly water. See because I'm an "ignorant brat" I don't "deserve food like this". So my life mainly consists of water and bread.

I reach the table and sit down on an empty wooden seat and the end. That bitch from last night is sat a couple of seats away from me and is staring me down. Does she want something? Kiss on the cheek? Punch in the face? "Amara?" Someone says, pulling me out of my psychotic thoughts. "Yeah," I say, looking up to see Felix.

"When you are done with your breakfast your social worker and Officer Hatfield need to talk with you, okay?" He tells me.

"Umm, yeah... yes that's fine. Thank you". I respond. I notice a small giggle come from the bitchy side of the table.

I finish my bacon. What a beautiful invention. And walk around the house trying to find my way to the meeting room.

Why is this place so big?

"Are you lost?" A little voice says behind me. A small little girl looks up to me. A large teddy bear snuggled up to her neck. "I am actually yeah. And who might you be?" I reply. Kneeling to her small height. "Lila. What about you?" (There is a picture of Lila above)

"I'm Amara" I respond to the young girl.

"Where ya trying to go, Amara?" I think I'm about to explode with how cute she is.

"Do you know where the meeting room is?" I ask.

"Maybe". A large grin spreads itself across her face. Is she playing me?

"Well, what do I have to do for you to take me there?". I know that I could have found the room by myself. But I'm not breaking this little girl's pride. "You got any candy?" A smirk disappears from her cheeks, and is replaced with a stern look.

"I do" a similar smile now appearing on my face. "How about, if you take me to the meeting room, after my meeting I will give you four pieces of candy when I get out?" I ask. Her little face becomes puzzled with whether this is a good deal. Eventually, her eyes light up, but quickly go back down. "What's up, not a good deal?". "Do you promise? Do you promise that you'll give me the candy if I take you?". she questions nervously.

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