Chapter 18 - Aftermath

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"The universe is exactly the size that your soul can encompass. Some people live in extremely small worlds, and some live in a world with infinite possibility."

-Kevin Hearne

Salvatore's POV:

Did I ever say how much I hate this damn job? I mean, for most people, the worst they go through in their job is they order too many pens, or they accidentally get the regular mayo and not the fat-free mayo. Me? Nope. I have to deal with shipments being stolen and people that work for me being murdered.

I'm not saying that everything I do is good and that I should renounce Satan any time soon. But I don't kill innocents. Rapists? yeah, I'll kill them, no problem. Paedophiles? yep, I'll dig their grave too. But never people who don't deserve it. My father taught me never to be the one to start the war. Things in this world can be taken care of without murder. Apparently, the Gambinos can't do the same. Irritating bastards.

I'm sat in my office when the door bursts open, bringing me back from my thoughts. "Hey, Capo! Look I fixed the CCTV! Isn't that great?" X says in an overly enthusiastic way. I glare at him for a second. Hoping that by himself he will understand that his statement isn't said at the best time. "I shouldn't be so happy right now, should I?" he says.

"Maybe just keep it on the down low," I tell him.

"Got it. Well anyway, here it is. I've already watched it. Nothing out of the ordinary. Pretty much just a hit and run." He tells me.

X passed me the computer, and I started to watch the footage. They didn't even try to hide their faces. No mask, no hoodies, no nothing. Just their stupid faces. "What are we going to do?" X asks me after a moment of hesitation.

"Honestly I have no idea. I know that this is just the start of something. But I was on good terms with Frank. I don't know why he would decide to end our piece in such a brutal way"

In the middle of our conversation, my consigliere walks through the door. A consigliere is the family lawyer, and always has to be a made man. They work for the family and only the family. And my guy, his name is Luca, Luca Gallo. The best lawyer that the state of New York has to offer. "Were you not on good terms with someone?" Luca asks me, taking off his thin brown glasses with his right hand, as his left holds his briefcase.

"Yeah. Mario Lucchese." I say.

"The duck?" X asks me, and I reply with a swift nod.

Mario 'The Duck' Lucchese is the Don of the Lucchese family. He got the nickname of 'The Duck', from all of the times he has ducked court cases, and gotten away with crimes that made the headlines. He's a sneaky slimy excuse of a man.

Last year, he tried to befriend me. Said that he wanted our two families to work together. In reality, all he was trying to do was to get under my nose and take me down from the inside. The rat bastard didn't even get halfway through with his little plan before I figured out which one of my men was working for him. I killed the guy the same night. The only thing, I didn't know was that the kid was Mario's Godson.

"Well after what happened last year I wouldn't be surprised if he's involved. But why would the Gambinos be working with Lucchese's? thought they hated eachother"

"I don't know. But figure it out will ya?" I tell them.

"Yes Boss," they say together. Both leaving my office.

Now, in my solitude, I have to do what I've been dreading. I have to tell the families of the dead men that their sons aren't coming home. Most other dons would leave that to someone else to do. But me? I see it as my responsibility.

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