Chapter 6 - Shock

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"We are all broken, that's how the light gets in"

-Ernest Hemingway


Amara's POV: Trigger Warning! Mention of abuse, and suicide.

I've now been left alone for the first time since I found out the news. I kind of wish Lila didn't leave me, but being on a quest to become the fairy queen is a very important task. But I mean. What. The. Fuck. Me. Little old me. Has a dad?

I'm not being stupid, I know that everyone has a biological dad. I mean that he's alive, he's walking around the world, and he knows I exist. Does he know I exist? Damn it. He knows I exist. And he doesn't want anything to do with me, does he? That's why my mom hates me. That's why as that man beat the hell out of me, she would sit on the couch and watch. Watch as I took punches to the face. As I took kicks to the stomach.

A tear slips my eye when I figure out the reason for her hatred after all of these years. Remembering the pain I went through, thinking it was my fault. And it wasn't. It was because this man, who I will now have to live with, doesn't want anything to do with me.

Stop it. Stop.

I wipe the tear from my cheek. Trying my best to keep the others at bay. "Hey, Amara?". Felix says from the other end of the door.

I make my way to the door, touching my cheek and taking a glance in the mirror before I finally open it. "Yeah?"

"You doing okay?" He asks

"I'm all good". I don't want to be rude, but I'm still cautious of... well men.

"Alright then, well I'll be downstairs if you need me". He tells me.

"Thanks, Felix". I close my door behind me. Walking over to the bed.

The next morning:

I'm lying on my bed. Half awake, half asleep. Drifting in and out of consciousness. I feel something small suddenly dropping on my cheek. And again. And again. I wipe my right hand across my face, wiping off the few drops of liquid that have somehow landed there. Then I smell it. Beer. "Look who's awake". His dark voice rings through my ears. And my body immediately starts to tremble.

"Open those eyes, sweetheart, I wanna see those beautiful eyes". I feel sick. Opening my eyes, I looked up at my stepfather. A beer bottle in his hand. A small amount of white powder under his nose. Alcohol and coke. Both of them apart are bad. Together. I'm fucked. "Dad, please. Please don't do this" I plead with him, sitting up slightly.

"Dad? Dad!" He laughs in my face, accompanied by the smell of liquor. "Listen to me you pathetic bitch" he says gripping my neck with his hand, going back to his usual menacing voice.

"I am not your dad. If I was. Well shit, I think I would rather off myself." He laughs.

"Please, please just leave me alone". The nauseous feeling rising in my stomach. There isn't a way to get out of this situation. There is no realm of possibility that I will come out of this without a bruise.

My plea is followed by a swift punch to my stomach. "Please, please just leave me alone!" He mimicked me in a high-pitched voice, continuing the laughter. "Recently Amara. You have been very disrespectful to both me and your mother. Haven't you" he says, knowing fully well that I haven't.

Yes or no, yes or no. Yes. Or. No? the two thoughts swirl around in my mind. "No, Sir"

"No? Did you just say no?!" Wrong answer. Suddenly I'm pushed off my bed onto the floor. The wrong answer.

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