Chapter 15 - Lies

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"What a marvelous feeling it would be, if we could say exactly how we felt. What a monumental victory. What a terrifying thought."

– Akif Kichloo

Amara's POV: Trigger Warning

Shit. What the fuck do I say to that?

Yeah, I was having an awful nightmare. Why don't you just cosy on up so I can tell you about my life? It is such a good story.

Salvatore is still sat at the edge of my bed, looking at me with a very prominent raised eyebrow. I think for a few more seconds. Trying to decide what I'm going to do. I know I can't tell him the truth. So a lie it is. Well, I don't think that I should tell him the truth. The last time I did that was a couple of years ago. I told a teacher what Luke was doing to me. Nothing happened. Well, nothing apart from getting beat the shit out of when I got home.

I went to a teacher that at the time I really trusted, I thought that if there was anyone that believed me it would be her. She then said that she would have to tell the guidance councillor at the school. And when they called my dad, all he said was that I get inti fights outside of school, and that's the reason for all the cuts and bruises. The school just ignored every plea I made after that. And on my record, I was put down as a troubled kid. The worst part is. I'm not the only kid this has happened to. There are too many of us out there.

Salvatore then pulls me out of my thoughts. "Kid you have to tell me what that was."

"Umm... it was just about what happened earlier. I guess it just got to me more than I thought" I said. Hoping that he would believe the story that I have just fabricated.

"Oh... okay," he says, still slightly confused. He releases a large breath, allowing his shoulders to relax. "Are you sure? I mean you were pretty scared?" he questions, as he glances back up at me.

"Yeah. Yeah. It was just some stupid nightmare. Nothing serious" Please believe me. Please believe me.

"Okay. As long as you're sure" he says. his tone showing a slight hint of worry.

"Yeah. All good." I tell him. My head slightly lowered.

"Well, you get back to bed. I'll see you in the morning." He stands up, moving off from my bed. Then walks to the light switch and turns it off, once again allowing the glowing beams from the city to fill my room. "Night Salvatore," I say, before he walks out of the room.

"Buona notte Amara." his tells me, a cold expression still on his face. However, this time, I can see a small amount of warmth break through his icy exterior.

He leaves my room. Closing the door behind him. And I'm left in a lonely silence. I get comfortable again and roll around to look out of the window, onto the busy streets of New York.

Chicago was always busy, but not in the same way as New York. Where I lived in Chicago it was more of people meeting up with friends and hanging out whilst having a couple drinks and taking some other things it takes to survive. But New York is more like random little groups of people, walking past each other, all going to parties. I'm glad that were so high up, because I don't think that I could sleep with all the noise.

I love watching people. I mean I can't really see them properly from up here, but even seeing the lights of the cars brings me some comfort. I wonder what's going on in their lives. If some of them have a similar story to mine or if there the complete opposite.

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