Chapter 27 - Shattered

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"We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools."

– Martin Luther King Jr

Third Person POV:

The Don of the Andolini family is sat in the kitchen of his penthouse. A piping hot cup of coffee grasped firmly in his hand. The temperature of the ceramic burning its way through his skin. His head hangs low between his shoulders, the last two days events running through his mind.

The silence fills the room, occasionally broken by a shaking breath let out from his lungs. A man in his position should be able to regulate his emotions. Something that his father can do easily. He doesn't remember the last time his father lashed out and shouted at him, he has always delt with every instance in a collective manner. But Salvatore, the heir to the throne, found this task more challenging.

He slowly looks up, slightly stretching his neck out as he does. His hand moving out in front of him. He adjusts his eyes, reading the time on his wrist as six-forty in the morning. The man curses under his breath. He must have been sat there for hours without even realising.

Once again his mind returns to his young daughter. The marks of punishment that litter her back, all the times that she flinches in fear, the worry in her eyes. The man starts to squirm in his seat at the thoughts, gripping the coffee harder in his hand, rolling his shoulder blades, bouncing his leg up and down. His next movement comes swiftly, picking up the mug and throwing it into the cabinets opposite him. Echo's of expletives make there way out of his mouth.

Instantly he regrets his action. Idiot, he whispers under his breath. He walks over to the sea of shattered glass, kneeling next to it. He starts to pick up the pieces, placing as many as he can in his left hand. But in his exhausted state one of the large pieces of glass slices through the skin of his left thumb.

The glass that was resting in his hand is once again thrown on the floor. And in return, the young man allows his body to rest against the island behind him. His back pressed firmly up against the wood. However, he is not granted any rest. As soon enough he hears sounds come from the living room. The unmistakable sound of the elevator doors opening.

His head whips over, slowly turning his body allowing him to kneel behind the counter. Instantly Salvatore moves over to the other side of the kitchen, trying to miss the broken glass as to not give his position away to whoever is in the house with him. He then kneels back down, his hand reaching towards one small piece of panelling. Quietly, he removes it, taking a small loaded pistol into his bleeding hands.

Placing one foot in front of the other, he moves to the location of the noises. Gently placing his hand on the kitchen door, slowly opening it, all the while keeping his gun aimed high. He carries on into the living room. He darts his eyes left and right, trying to find the source.

Over on the other side of the room he sees a shadow of a man facing away from him, his head faced down looking at his phone. Instantly Salvatore puts his gun down, his hand still dripping with blood. "Seriously." He says towards the man.

The other man turns around to face Salvatore. "Mando what the hell are you doing here?"

Armando's POV:

Well shit. He looks pissed.

"What the hell, after all of this shit you just walk in here unannounced." He says, raising his voice through the sentence.

"I never had to announce myself before!" I tell him.

"Well since people have tried to kill me and my daughter. I THINK THINGS HAVE CHANGED!" He screams the last part in my face, flailing the gun around as he talks.

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