Chapter 26 - Reality

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"Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage."

– C.S. Lewis


Salvatore's POV:


"He... he umm... he said Mafia?" She says slowly.

What the fuck am I meant to tell her? She has been through so much that I didn't even know about, that I couldn't even protect her from. What if she is at the breaking point and this is what is going to tip her over the edge? I don't know what I will do with myself if I am the one that destroys her.

I look at her with wide eyes. She is still sitting on the floor, but her body is tense, and I am kneeling next to her. She suddenly stands up, and I copy her. But to my dismay, she takes a slow step back. "Baby I..." I start to speak, but I'm immediately cut off.

"Don't you dare." She hissed. "Don't you dare lie to me." There isn't an ounce of uncertainty in her voice as she talks to me. "That day that they came in the house, and I had to hide with Armando in the office. You never explained why, you never told me why they did that. You never told me why you had a gun in your hand."

I breathe in. "It was to protect myself, Amara," I explain to her. Feeling the anger rise in my body.

"Looked more like an extension of your arm than a form of protection" she snarls.

I have never seen her this mad. I have never seen her this angry.

"Why take me in huh? Why tell me that you want to protect me, especially now that you know what I've been through? Fuck you! Fuck you for doing that!" she screams.


"NO! NO! Why didn't you just tell me the truth?" She shouts "Why not just fucking tell me. Why let me trust the other Salvatore? The businessman, the guy who only smiles when he thinks that I can't see it! The guy who tells me that I'm 'safe now', that nobody will ever hurt me!"

I lean my head back. I'm not angry at her, I'm angry at myself, I just don't want to let it out on her. "I couldn't just tell you. You understand that, I know you do! And I am that guy, I'm your dad piccolo, and that is never going to change, I promise." I plead with her, hoping that she understands what I am saying.

"You should have told me." She says, her voice now finally giving in to the pain that she feels.

"I know... I know, but I needed you to feel comfortable. And then when I found out about your stepdad, I just couldn't bring myself to tell you." She isn't crying, but I can tell that the only reason why is because she isn't letting herself. "You have to be honest. You can't lie to me anymore."

"I won't, I promise. Ask me whatever you want to... I just can't promise that you will like the answer." I tell her the truth.

"Do you... Do you kill innocent people?" I can hear the defeat in her voice.

"No," I assure her.

'Please, don't just say that." she begs.

"Amara baby, I'm not. Those who deserve it... yes, if the situation warrants it then I do. But other than that no." I can still see that she doesn't fully believe me. "This world is dangerous piccolo, that is the truth. I have a responsibility to keep all the people who are a part of and work for this family safe. But never, ever would I let any of my men hurt an innocent. We don't do that." I promise.

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