Chapter 29 - On Edge

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"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder."

– Rumi

Salvatore's POV:

"What if we just go at them? I mean they did do that to us not long ago." Armando says, sitting on the chair on the other side of my desk, flailing his arm around like a bird on crack.

"We can't just go into their territory and start killing everyone we see," I reply, taking a small sip of water from my glass.

"Sure we can!" Armando says, his movements getting more aggressive.

A large sigh escapes my lips. "That is why Papa made me Don and not you."

He looks at me, plasters a shocked look on his face and brings his right hand up to his heart. "That hurt brother, that one really hurt."

A let out a small laugh at his childish action. "So you do know what happiness is." He says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"You have been a funk for the past three weeks. Everyone has been walking on eggshells around you since you had that freakout and cut your hand open."

"It wasn't a freakout." I shoot back.

"Yeah right."

"Well, what am I meant to do then brother...Huh!" I shout back at him. His face changes instantly to one of regret. "Salvo I didn't..."

"NO! You try to figure out what to do when people are trying to kill your daughter. As well as being the Don..." I wait for his response, but I get nothing. Instead, his eyes move down submissively. "You don't understand the pressure that I am under to try and find these people before they murder my child!"

Amara's POV:

I'm in my bedroom minding my business when I suddenly hear shouting.  I can tell that the voice is my fathers, probably shouting at Armando for something again. The past week he has been on edge trying to figure out what to do about these other guys.

The only problem is that it's killing him with the stress of not knowing what to do. So unfortunately for Armando, he is getting the brunt of it. I start to walk out of my room, making my way to the sound of the noise. I poke my head out of the door frame, realising that they must be in Papa's office.

At first, I'm not sure if I should go up there or not. but since all this stuff has been happening Papa hasn't let anybody besides family in the house.

As the sound of the two voices continues, I move further towards the large wooden door. Eventually, I reach the entrance of the room, the door stood slightly ajar. "You have to calm down..." I hear Armando say defensively.

"If you say that one more time brother, I swear, I will throw you down in the Pit myself."

My subconscious decides that this is a good time to place two small knocks on the door. "WHAT!" Salvatore shouts in anger. "Well don't just stand out there all day!" he continues.

I slowly walk in, my head hung low. "Amara? what the hell are you doing here?"

"I umm... I heard shouting. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay." I tell him truthfully.

"What did I say last time you came up here?" the tone of his voice makes me unsure if this is rhetorical or not. "Well?" not rhetorical.

"You told me not to"

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