Chapter 9 - New Beginnings

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"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all"

- Oscar Wilde


Salvatore's POV:

I am on my way to go see Amara. I still don't fully understand how she got into a fight with another girl who lives in the house. But the only thing that is really on my mind is the fact that she is coming home.

A few days ago I didn't even know that she existed. And then when I found out I was praying for her not to be mine. And now I can't wait to take her back to where she truly belongs. I have been trying to find out what she would want in her room from talking to Mary. But she was no help, telling me that I should just wait for her to get here so she could decorate it herself. I just thought that maybe it would be nice if when she got home it was decorated. Or at least slightly.

I'm still scared of how this is all going to work. I want to shower her with love. I want her to be happy and comfortable when she is living with me. I just don't know how to do that. I don't know how to care for feelings, especially a teenage girl. I don't want to hurt her more then the two people that she loves dying and going missing.

When I got the news yesterday that she wanted to come live with me I wanted to get into the car and pick her up. Unfortunately for me, I had to wait. Finally, I am now in the car on my way to get her.

Once I arrive at the group home I swipe the thin layer of sweat on my hands. I am never a nervous person. I am required to always be in control of every situation I put myself in. A lack of control in my world leads to a quick demotion to an early grave. Calm down. I don't want to freak her out. if I do then she might not come with me. Oh God, what if she changes her mind? What the hell am I meant to do if she changes her mind?

"Salvatore" I hear Armando say. Breaking my train of thought. "Are you ready to go?". I leave myself one last breath before I answer, allowing my voice to go back to its natural steady rhythm. "Yes". Please don't change your mind amore. I don't know what I would do.

Amara's POV:

After last night I have now ended up with a graze on my jaw, that has partially healed, and a large bruise just under my right eye. If Mr Andolini didn't like the look of my jaw, he wasn't going to be happy about this.

When I got back into my room last night I instantly packed my bag. The incident with Ava had pissed me off so much that I needed to do something with my time. But then Felix came into my room, saying how I was a threat, and because of that he would have to lock my door "to keep both myself and the other people who live here safe". What I bag of shit.

So this morning, once I was let out of my cell, I made my way downstairs with my already packed bags on my shoulder. "do you want any breakfast kid?" Felix asked. Yeah, Ava's stupid head on a plate. "no thank you" Is what I chose to reply out loud.

A knock at the door turns everyone's heads, as Thalia, the other adult at the group home goes to answer the door. God, I hope he's not like Luke.

"AMARA HUNNY!" no need to shout Thalia, I can hear the heavy footsteps of my doom approaching already.

Mr Andolini, along with the other tall man, walk through the door. Both wearing expensive suits. The other man is in an all-black suit without a tie. And my father, standing tall next to him, wearing a three-piece black suit and a thick long overcoat. His power flows through the room like a wave. But at the same time, I see the edges of his lips coil into a smile. The look on his face welcoming me towards him. "Is that her dad? Salvatore Andolini?" I hear one of the older children say in a whispered hush behind me.

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