Our Secrets (sequel to My Secrets)

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Aria Hale- the now 23 yr old mother of three. 2 of her kids don't know who their fathers are and vice versa. Don't say she's a slut for having three kids with all different dads, you don't know her story.

Carmen Hale- Aria's first daughter who holds all of her mother's secrets.

Makenna Styles- Aria's second child. The only other biological child Aria has. Doesn't know her father.

Landon Payne- Katie Davis' son, adopted by Aria. Doesn't know his father.

This family holds many secrets and the kids are mainly the secrets that are to be hidden. Carmen wants to reunite with the man she once called her 'Daddy' but, the secrets her mother has must stay hidden from him and his band mates. Will Father and Daughter be reunited? If so will he find out about the secrets kept from him? Find out in...Our Secrets (sequel to My Secrets)


*update 4-18-2013*

No name change :) I'm liking this one so yeah... And there will be mainly three different point of views for this story. I'll have a few others besides the main ones but possibly not many.

Main POV's: Carmen, Aria, and Harry. :)

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