Harry Will Leave

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(A/N): sorry guys its not yet been edited so sorry for some mistakes that I know will be in there!! I'm on my phone and my mom would kill me if she knew I was still up!


I woke up feeling cold. There was no longer a warm body next to me, let alone blankets. Siting up I saw that I was at the foot of the bed with the blankets and pillows shoved up at the top and Harry was no where in sight. Looking at the clock I saw that it was already ten o'clock. "Shit!" I cursed and quickly jumped out of bed and headed into the bathroom to quickly get ready for work.

After my shower and stuff I ran out of the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out of my mouth and only a towel covering my body. Hurrying over to my closet I pulled out black skinny jeans and a purple button up. After pulling on underwear, a bra, and white cami I dressed in the clothes from my closet and went back to the bathroom to finish brushing my teeth and throw my hair up in a bun.

"Aria!?" I heard someone call from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shout and grab my phone from the nightstand before going downstairs to see Harry setting down food in front of the girls and Landon. "So what did you need? Kinda running late for work here."

"Eat. Then you can leave, Carson called and I told her you'd be coming in late already; she said she'd cover for you if anyone came by." Harry explained walking over to me and giving my cheek a quick peck before he sat down next to Carmen and started eating. "Oh and I'm taking the kids back to the hotel so I can get a shower and change and stuff and that way they can spend some time with the other boys." Harry smiled.

I nodded my head as I sat down across from him by Landon and dug into the food that lay on the table: eggs, bacon, and hash browns. Yum! "You know I've probably told this before. But if the whole singing doesn't work out can I hire you as my maid, and cook?" I asked Harry and laughed. I could so see it now Harry in a frilly apron pushing around a vacuum and then slaving over a stove all day.

He smiled. "Haha very funny but no I think the music career is working just fine. You just want to see me in a maids costume."

"Nah, that'd just be yucky! Anyways I'm done thank you it was lovely but I seriously have to go!" I got up and kissed all three kids heads shouting an 'I love you' and went back upstairs to grab my shoes, messenger bag for work, headphones, and wallet from my purse. I really didn't feel like carrying a bag and purse today. Going back downstairs I grabbed my keys from there place by the door and made sure I still in my pocket. "Bye guys!" I went to go outside but was stopped by a little person hugging my leg.

"Mommy don't leave me." MaKenna said.

I crouched down to her height. "Sweetie don't you want to stay and hang out with your daddy all day and see Hannah?" I asked her only to have her shake her head and give me those pleading eyes that I can't say no to. "Wanna come to work with me?" I asked her.

"Please." She said with a pout.

"Fine, grab your bag it should already have all your stuff in it and slip on your toms." I told her standing up and walking back to the kitchen. "MaKenna is with me I really have to go now." I walked back to the front door and opened it for me and MaKenna to walk out and I shut the door behind us. I unlocked the jeep and the Kia. I took the valet key from the Kia out and placed it behind the front tire then walked over to the jeep to help MaKenna get buckled in and I got in the front seat.

As I out the key into the ignition Harry tapped on the window scaring me half the death. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He said after I rolled down the window.

"It's fine. Oh, I left the valet key under the front tire on the drivers side for the Kia so you don't have to have the boys or anyone come get you." I told Harry.

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