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(A/N): hey guess I know it's been a long wait and I'm soooo sorry!! Okay well on with the chapter!!

*Imogen's POV*

I ran out the room with the car keys in my hand. Yes I'm upset, yes me driving like this could cause an accident but I'm not really caring as of right now. I want to talk to someone who might be able to help me, she was Katie's best friends and I really don't have anything against the girl other than she broke Liam's heart but I need to get past that it was five years or so ago and she's gone now. I turn off the exit that will lead to Aria's job and hope that she is still there so I can talk to her. I don't know what to say I just know that I need to talk to someone other than my brother. I love him to death but it's hard to take Louis seriously, he doesn't truly understand and he's always with Eleanor when he has any time off lately.

Arriving quickly, I turned the car off and grabbed my purse off the seat next to me and exited the car. Making my way inside I passed a few guards who showed me the way after I explained to them that I was here to see Aria.

"Imogen right?" A girl a few years older looking asked me as I passed her desk.

"Um yeah..." I said.

She laughed and out stretched her hand. "Carson. Don't look nervous whatever it is about Imogen. Platinum in there," She pointed to an office. "Talks about you as well as the others except today I've had the lovely rant about you from last night but don't worry about her she's worrying with Kenna and Harry so if you have something to talk to her about I'm sure you will be okay. Gosh why am I always meddling. Don't mind me sweetie." Then she turned back to her desk and started typing away. Weird.

I walked to, what I know now, Aria's office and knocked. "Unless your Carson here to annoy me again, come in! otherwise go away Carson! I'm busy." I heard Aria say from behind the door.

Opening the door I poked my head in, "Its Immy.."

"Hey! Um sorry for just storming out yesterday, I probably should've realized that you didn't know everything that happened and I probably shouldn't really but I wanted to still say sorry." Aria went into a mini rant and all I could do was giggle.

"Aria you don't have to apologize if anyone should it should be me. I didn't have the right to say those things Katie here or not. I just wanted to come by and talk to you about this whole thing and explain the real reason that I flipped out." I said walking into her office and sitting on the chair in front of her desk.

"Okay let me just finish up this real quick all I really have to do is hit send and we can talk. MaKenna is asleep so we won't have to worry about her any time soon." Aria said clicking around on her computer before giving me her full attention and pulling off her reading glasses. "Shoot."

I explained everything to her well a better explanation then I gave the boys back in the hotel. She she'd a few tears with me and hugged me tight after I got done explaining and then she gave me a address.

"She can't talk back but I think if you go there, you'll find a better person to talk to. If you an Liam every get married I'm afraid by then Landon will no longer be under my guardianship. I don't know if that's true or not but I think if that is and you become his stepmom, the one person who you're gonna want to ask all the little things about that little boy that I don't even know about yet, it's her. Katie would like you Imogen and I believe if she was still here, you guys might've actually got on well." Aria smiled. I hugged her again and thanked her before I made my way out of her office and to the cemetery and the one grave that will help me most.

*Aria's POV*

After Immy left I finished up my work for the day quickly before sending Harry a quick text that I was leaving soon and woke Kenz up from her little nap.

"Mommy I no wanna get up." She whined.

"C'mon bear, Carmen and daddy are waiting for us. Landon's staying with Liam tonight." I told the little girl who's still trying to fight off from waking up.

"Fine. lets go see Carmen and Harry. Harry gonna leave again so he's not daddy!" She raised her voice.

"MaKenna Anne Styles, you don't raise your voice at me young lady. I've explained once to you today but you are not listening so I'm leaving you to your father. MaKenna he loves you, I love you your sister loves you, your brother loves you, and Harry will not leave you entirely. So you will drop the attitude and apologize for it. I hate getting on to you but it's necessary today apparently. Get your bag together so we can go home please." I said to her as calmly as possible and stood up to go back over to my desk and grab my messenger bag, keys and phone that were sitting on top of my desk.

"Ready mommy." Kenna said quietly while looking at the ground.

I felt kind of bad for getting on to her but it was needed. "Kay bear. lets get going then." I said grabbing her small hand into mine and leading her out of my office before locking the door.

We waved bye to Carson then left. In the car I helped Kenna into her seat and got in the front. The drive to the hotel was quiet and long; only the radio playing in the background.

Pulling up to the hotel parking garage I had to show my ID just to get in since a load of fans were surrounding the place. I parked quickly and grabbed my stuff and helping Kenna jumped down. We walked into the building and straight to the elevators. Once again I had to prove who I was just to be allowed on the boys floor. They really don't want fans up here at all.

"Hey Ari!" Hannah called from the end of the hallway. "They're all in here." She pointed to the door she just came out of. "I'm going to visit my parents for a bit while the boys hang out here with the kids and try to get ahold of Immy. Have you seen her by chance?" Hannah asked.

"Yea, I know where she's at too. I'll tell them to let her be, she's okay and talking to someone." I explained and entered the room.

"Mom! finally! I thought I'd be alone with boys forever!" Carmen shouts as soon as she sees me.

"No shouting Carmen!" I heard Harry shout from the kitchen then he appeared moments later with a banana in one hand and a glass of water, that he handed to Carmen.

"No shouting Harold!" Carmen mocked him.

"Watch yourself Carmen." I warned, seconds later Harry set the two things down and scooped up Carmen and put her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Carmen soup for dinner then Haz?" I laughed and walked over to him pecking his cheek quickly.

"Nah I like her too much to cook her into food!" he smiled and placed our daughter back on the ground.

It sounded right to be calling Carmen and MaKenna our kids instead of my. I just hope I can find it in me to get over things that happened five years ago and move on so I can be with Harry again.

(A/N): ITS SO SHORT AND IM SO SORRY BUT WRITERS BLOCK IS A HOE BAG!!! I feel so bad that you guys had to wait a month for something that is in my opinion horrible. sorry again loves.


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