Happy Ever Afters

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(A/N): Okay so I'm sorry but this is the last chapter. If I get more inspiration for this story I might come back to it but until then this is it and I kinda like how I'm ending it. This is one of my older stories that I need to let go of so I can focus on the newer ones I've started. On with it now another note at the end.


Years have passed and people move forward. Times changes and so do seasons. Relationships mend and they break. Everyone hopes and believes in fate.

Aria smiled as she looked back over the years and remembers the time when she finally allowed her love back into her life completely. Now a thirty-five year old mother with three biological children, a loving husband, and friends and family. She was happy with how everything turned out for the good. Aria was young and naive back then when she was only eighteen and let her love go for the though of him cheating and thankfully at the age of twenty-three realizing her mistake she took him back and they mended their broken hearts together.

Aria stood from her window seat that over looked the large background in their American home, still refusing to uproot to London. She walked over to the bookshelf that held all the scrapbooks of memories created by her little family. Aria placed the one she was looking at back on the shelf and exited the room turning off the light as she left. She traveled downstairs to go outside where the rest of her family were at starting the celebration of a special little boys fifth birthday.

Carmen, who was now twenty and in her final year of university, stood next to her boyfriend of three years as she saw her mother exiting the back door to join the group of people who were gathered. "Geez mom took you long enough." the girl laughed calling her mother out.

Aria laughed at her oldest daughter and shook her head at the girl. "Never rush a mother when one of her children is about to have a milestone completed Carmen. You of all people should know this by now." Aria gave her daughter a knowing look, thinking back to the time when the young woman was three and recovering from cancer that could've taken her life.

"He's a fighter mom. Eddie will be okay." Carmen said hugging her mom tightly.

"I'm not to worried about him, dear. Well maybe I am. Mainly worried that your father will worry him to death." Aria laughed knowing her husband, and that he will take bunches of pictures today that will annoy the completely blind child, even if he could see it happening.

"Mom! Daddy is so annoying. Make him stop!" Aria's fifteen year old daughter, MaKenna, came marching up to her, dragging along her best friend Landon Payne.

"Bear, I can't do anything about it. He's just happy for Edward and wants pictures to remember this." Aria explained to the huffing girl who was not at all happy with her father right now.

The teenager let out another huff and walked away. Aria shook her head at her youngest daughters antics and left her older daughter to go find her husband and son. She found them by the swing set; her husband sitting against it with the little five year old in lap, smiling.

"Mummy's coming over." She heard her husbands husky voice try to whisper to the boy, to tell him who was near. Aria stopped a few feet away and watched then interact. "You're facing her and if you stand up and walk forward you'll run right into her." He explained to the little boy in his lap who's eyes were closed. The boy stood up from his spot on his fathers lap and giggled as he walked forward an ran straight into his mother.

"Mummy!" Little Edward Collin Styles said as he giggled and held on tightly to his mothers legs. He couldn't see the woman but knew by touch and smell that it was his mother.

"Eddie!" Aria laughed and picked the boy up and went to sit next to her husband of ten years. She then placed the youngster down on her lap and leaned against her love as she smiled as the little boy.

Edward was born blind and he also had many other health issues. The doctors had told the couple he wouldn't make it past one month but here they are five years later and little Eddie as healthy as he could be. His parents and siblings loved him no matter what problems he had and were very happy to be there with him while he hit this major milestone. Edward, like his older sister MaKenna, took after his father and had dark brown curly hair, a bright smile, dimples, and when he opened his eyes for you to see, you'd see a lovely emerald green color. he got his mothers nose and ears and lips but everything else was his father even the tallness, as far as they could tell.

"Aria! Harry! Edward!" They heard a voice call them and when Aria looked she saw Louis running up to them smiling as he held one of Harry's cameras. "Smile!" he took a shot of the three sis tying there, Aria and Harry looking at him funnily, and Edward was facing his parents. The picture came out goofy but that was them, that was their family. A goofy bunch mixed of different people. Aria liked it that way.

"Don't go thinking to much today, love." Harry whispered to her and kissed the top of her head as she laid we head in his shoulder and held on to her little boy who was leaned against her, basking in the sun.

"Don't go taking to many pictures then. Kenna already handed in one complaint." Aria laughed and leaned up quickly to peck his cheek.

Harry chuckled and started fiddling with his sons hair just because he could. Little Edward smiled and laughed pushing his dads hands away. "Daddy stop!"

"How'd you know it wasn't your mum huh? Why's it always gotta be me?" Harry laughed knowing good and well that their son has very good senses and always knew who was there with him if he was paying enough attention.

"'Cause you always play with my hair!" He giggled and moved over to sit in his mothers lap instead.

"Hey little one. Dad being a menace again?" Aria laughed cuddling her little boy close.

"Always is mummy. How do you put up with him?" Edward laughed and hid his face in his mothers neck.

"Same way I deal with you." Aria laughed and tickled the small child.

Times like this is what made Aria happy that she took Harry back all those years. They had their troubles like any normal couple did but she wouldn't change it any other way. Well maybe the way she was embarrassed greatly when she tripped in front of thousands when Harry was calling her on stage at a concert were he proposed. But still in years to come and years past she never kept a major secret hidden again claiming if they're my secrets then they're Our Secrets

A/N: ITS DONE GAH I'M CRYING CAUSE LIKE HIS WAS MY BABY FOR SO LONG AND NOW ITS OVER!!! Well I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who read the Kept & Hidden Secrets series it means a lot because I know these were crap really and I'm kind of ready to let them go. My writing has improved a lot over the year I was working on these two books and saying goodbye to them hurts but it needs to be done and I'm sorry for the short updates and that this book was so short and it took forever to update but alas I must go so goodbye and thank you for reading!! :) Cheyxx

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