He Knows Everything.

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*Harry's POV*

Pacing around the hotel room, I was literally about ready to pull out my hair. "How the? When the? Why wouldn't she say anything!?" I finally freaked out.

"Harry calm down! She probably had a good reason to hide them." Hannah reasoned.

"Hannah you can't be talking! YOU KNEW!! You knew this whole fucking time!" Liam snapped.

Niall stepped in front of his girlfriend sticking up for her as always. "Yeah, but think about this too. Carmen knows. She knew also and never said a word. The little girl is eight! She's bound to slip up and say something!" Niall did have a point.

"So what are going to do now? It's not like we can just march up to Aria and demand we meet them." I said, sitting down on the couch, head in hands.

"Well, I am supposed to be hanging out with Aria and the kids in the next day or two after they get off of school. Maybe we can plan it so you boys show up at the same place and I'll make sure there's no place for Aria to run and hide with Kenna and Lan." Hannah offered.

"But won't that be betraying your best friend?" Liam asked. Yeah it's his kid Aria is hiding but he's worried about the friendship between Hannah and Aria.

"Yes it is, but me and Leesie have been begging this girl to tell you guys for years." Hannah explained.

And then a thought came to mind.

"Where's Katie in all this?" I asked. "Why haven't we seen her? Why is Aria taking care of Landon?"

"That's something for you to ask Aria. I will not be the one telling you that." Hannah said and walked out of the room.

I looked over to Liam to see if he had anything to say about what Hannah is now hiding. I mean Katie was his girlfriend and the mother of his child.

"Harry, are you okay?" Louis asked me.

"Probably doing just as great as Liam over there." I said pointing to the brown eyed boy that seems to be pacing the place so much he might put a hole in the floor.

"Liam, mate, sit down, take a breather, something!!" Louis said walking over to Liam and stopping him from pacing.

"I CAN'T!" Liam screamed. "What is Immy going to say when I tell her I have a son!? Is she going to leave me because of this? Will she accept the proposal when I ask later on? Oh god, I'm not ready for a kid. He's possibly four!! Maybe five!! How do I even know if he is mine!? I need to talk to Katie about this or Aria! AHH" Liam rushed out quickly and finally just sunk to the floor holding his knees to his chest.

"WAIT! Proposal!? When were you planning on telling me this?" Louis asked the boy.

"Louis. Now is not the time!" Liam sighed.

Maybe he is taking this harder... I know I'm taking it hard but the mother of his child isn't anywhere to be seen right now and Hannah is hiding something. Aria also hasn't said anything.

"I'm calling Aria. I can't jut wait for Hannah to get her to meet up." I stated walking away from the two before they could stop me.

When I got into my room of the massive hotel suite I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed the number I had recently stole from Hannah's phone without her knowing. Niall may have helped me...

It rang three times before she answered.


"Aria, we need to talk." I said.

"Harry? How did you even get my number? Never mind that. What about?" She asked.

"I know. I know it all. Just meet up with me this afternoon at two, at the park we went to years ago, with them." I said then hung up the phone; never giving her a chance to respond.

"LIAM! Be ready to leave by one o'clock this evening!" I yelled out to him.

Today we meet our kids.

*Aria's POV*

As soon as I heard the tone meaning he hung up I let my hand go up to my mouth and the phone slip from my hand and onto my lap. I was currently sitting outside of Carmen's guidance counselors office after having to step out quickly to take the call.

I couldn't believe what I've just heard though. It wasn't registering in my head yet that Harry knew. Harry knew! Harry fucking knew! He now knows that I have hidden his child and Liam's.

Quickly getting my thoughts together, I stood up and walked back into the office seeing Mrs. Jackson give me a look as if to ask 'are you okay?' I just nodded at her and sat back down next to Carmen.

"Well I think we have everything all set for next year when Carmen transfers over to the Middle School. We will have a tour of the school just for her about a week before school starts back up." Mrs. Jackson smiled and handed me the papers that we had filled out earlier, well copies of them at least.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jackson." I said to the counselor. "Oh, um, do you mind if I just go ahead and take Carmen with me instead of going to class today?" I asked.

"Of course not. It's the last few weeks of school and she's already so ahead, I'm sure she won't miss a thing." Mrs. Jackson said.

"Alrighty then. Bye, have a nice day." I got up and took Carmen's hand leading her out the office.

"What's up? I know that look." Carmen asked as soon as we got out to the car.

I placed both hands on the steering wheel and laid my head on my hands. "Your father called."

"And said...?"

"He knows, Carmen. He knows everything. I don't know how but he does." I told her.

"Mom, he was going to find out anyways. I'm just wondering how. I've never said a word." She said. "What are we going to do?"

"He wants to meet them." I said an finally turning on the car and backing out of my parking spot. "Today, at two, we have to meet him at the park I took him to when we first hung out. Your favorite park. Lake lotus."

"So that's why you didn't let me go to class." Carmen stated.

"Yes ma'am. Now since its already almost eleven we are going out for a quick lunch, then picking up your siblings from daycare and after that taking them home to get cleaned up and ready to meet Harry." I explained what I had planned I Carmen.

"Is Liam coming? Landon is his after all and not daddy's." Carmen asked.

"I don't know Car, I really don't."

*A/N: updating from my phone since I'm on vacation! So when I get back home or to a computer I'll fix all the bolds and stuff because its messing up on all my stories! Anyways I feel kinda bad about where I left things off at last time and so here's a new chapter and within a hour or two ill have another posted!! Thanks for reading my stories and if you haven't noticed I put out a Larry one-shot called 'The Tale of Two' so check that out if you will for me! Okay I think that's all for now so seya!


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