Teddy bears.

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*Carmen's POV*

My daddy. A tall man with really curly hair and green eyes. A man I miss and love to death. The things I hold most cherish to me right now are from him.

When I was three I had surgery to remove a tumor from my left kidney; because of the tumor I had to have chemotherapy to help which also made me loose all of my hair.

Well the surgery was a few days after Christmas and the last thing I have received from my dad had come as a get well soon slash merry Christmas gift. He had sent two identical teddy bears, one was a light brown and the other was a few shades darker. The light brown teddy bear had a darkish green beanie on it that I realized to be one of my dads own and a necklace with a 'H' charm. The dark brown one had a grey beanie, again my dads, and a necklace, but this time a 'S' charm. Both charms together where meant to stand for Harry Styles but right now that's not their uses.

For some reason when I had revived the bears I was immediately attached to the light brown bear. So when mommy found out she was going to have another kid and this time it actually be my dads I gave the new baby, my sister, the darker bear with the beanie and necklace so she had a part of our father with her too. I wear the 'H' charmed necklace all the time and when my outfit matches the beanie as well; even though its a little to big for me.

Walking down the halls of my moms workplace I was in search of my dad who I knew was here because this is where the concert was being held. I started looking in a few random rooms that had doors open. Not paying attention to where I was walking I ran into something or rather someone. Looking up I had to hold back a gasp. It wasn't the person I was actually looking for but close to it.

Crouching down to my height. "Oh, I'm sorry little one. Where's your parents? Are you lost or something" Louis said not noticing me.

"Or something." I replied with a smile.

"That's a very pretty necklace you have there. What does the 'H' stand for? Is it for your name?" He asked me.

"Um no not for my name." I mumbled playing with my dads beanie that laid atop of my head; making it fall off.

"Here let me help you." Louis grin picking up the beanie placing it back on my head while looking at me a bit more, like the gears were turning in his head. "Carmen." He gasped.

"Hi Loubear." I whispered before he pulled me in for a very tight hug. "Lou. Can't. Breathe."

"Sorry Carmen. You grew up over the last five years haven't you?" Louis asked, me still hugging him.

"Yeah." I replied. It's good to have Louis back now only if I could find my daddy.

"The necklace and beanie are from the bears aren't they?"

"You knew about the bears?' I asked, looking up at him.

"Who do you think helped pick 'em out?" He smiled.

"Well thank you then. Could you help me with something?" I asked.

'With what sweetie." He asked me, pushing a piece of my hair, that had fallen in my face, back.

"Help me find daddy. Don't tell him who I am though let him see if it takes him as long as you to realize. But I need help finding him. I miss my daddy." I said sadly.

"Of course Car, I'll let Hannah in on this though since I'm pretty sure she has seen you over the years." He smiled and pulled out his phone, I'm guessing to text Hannah. "While we wait for Hannah to reply why don't you tell me about your cancer? Is it all gone?"

"It's all gone they think. I lost all my hair though. S'grown back now just a little lighter and less curly than it used to be; still very wavy though!" I exclaimed.

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