Family Time

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*Aria's POV*

Over the last week Harry has been hanging with MaKenna and Carmen as much as he could even spending a few nights at the house to be with them even more. Harry and MaKenna had their little talk and he assured her that even though he does have to travel he will never truly leave and will always Skype and call when he could.

It's now Saturday and the boys are leaving to go to another state tomorrow so I have agreed to a family dinner with just me, Harry and the girls; Landon staying with Liam.

I sat in my room looking at the three outfit choices I have laid out. I finally decided on my floral dress, dark wash denim jacket, and a pair of toms. After getting in the shower and changing into the clothes I fix my hair in loose curls and applied a little bit of mascara and lip gloss. I grabbed my purse, phone and keys and walked down the short hallway to see if MaKenna and Carmen were done.

I walked into Carmen's room first and saw her brushing MaKenna's hair and pulling it into a ponytail. I leaned against the doorframe and just watched as she finished and put a bow that I made for them on the hair tie. MaKenna was in a lime green skirt with purple lace over it, a matching green shirt with a purple butterfly, purple cardigan, and silver flats. Carmen was wearing a redish roxy dress that had butterfly's on the bottom half with blue flats that matched one of the butterfly colors and her hair was down in its natural state. "You girls look beautiful." I said finally stepping into the room.

"Thank you mommy! Car did my hair!" Kenna exclaimed and got up from the bed and ran over to me hugging my legs and looking up at me with a big smile showing off her simple in her left cheek.

"Hi baby bear." I smiled down at her and picked her up placing her on my hip. "Carmen, you ready to go? Your father should be here soon." I said to the little girl who was still sitting on her bed.

"Yea I'm ready." she smiled and got up and ran over to me and attached herself to my side. "Love you." Carmen said quietly.

"Love you too, bug." I said and the doorbell went off as we exited her room.

"Daddy's here!" She screamed and ran ahead to go downstairs and open the door for him while I carried MaKenna down.

"Mommy? I'll miss him." Kenna whispered into my ear.

I hugged the small child tightly and whispered back, "Me too, bear. But we still have him for one more day so lets have fun!" and tickled her sending her into a fit of giggles as I stepped down the last few stairs.

Harry stood there by the door talking animatedly to Carmen who was explaining to him about how she's starting middle school after summer and the tour she's to be attending next week after he's gone back on tour. "Daddy it's so cool! I'll have a locker and different teachers for each class and I'll be with big kids!!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"That's amazing Carmen! You'll have to Skype or call me after the tour and tell me all about it, bug." Harry smiled, showing off his dimples then looked up and saw me and MaKenna standing there watching them.

"Hey." He said standing up straight. "You both look beautiful this evening."

"Well thank you." I said kissing his cheek, tightening my grip on Kenna as she was slipping.

"You lovely ladies ready to get going?" Harry asked.

"I think so." I smiled.

We all followed Harry out to the Kia and I made sure the house was locked up before going ahead and getting in the car. Harry had both girls buckled and the car running by the time I was buckled. He pulled out of the drive way and made a right when he exited my neighborhood. "Let me guess you aren't saying a word as to where you are talking us are you?" I asked fiddling with the radio before just giving up and hooking my phone up and clicking on one of my many playlists.

"Oh you know me so well, Aria!" Harry chuckled and flipped on the blinker to make another turn. "I'll give you a hint though. I love you."

That left me dumbfounded. I love him as well but he used that as the hint. What was it supposed to mean? We have said I love you many times all those years ago. The most memorable time being when I told him on my birthday when we went on that walk in the woods. "Picnic in the woods?" I asked just to see if that was the time he was talking about.

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!!" He chuckled. "I know you loved it for your birthday so I thought 'hey lets make it a family thing!'" He smiled at me and grabbed my hand and held it tightly in the one he wasn't using for driving.

I smiled to myself and squeezed Harry's hand and looked back at the girls to see them either looking out the window watching the trees and houses pass by or listening to music. Carmen noticed me looking back at them and sent a smile my way before asking, "How much longer?"

"Not much longer, ladybug. Maybe ten more minutes or so." Harry replied looking at her from the rearview mirror.

"Okay, Daddy."

We arrived at the park that was more open not the one we usually go to but safe nonetheless. I helped Kenna out of her seat and Carmen as Harry grabbed a blanket and basket of food from the trunk. He motioned for us to follow him and he led us to an open field where he laid out the blanket and placed the basket down. "Sit and enjoy." He smiled, sitting down himself and lifting MaKenna to sit on his lap.

Taking the things our if the basket he had prepared chicken fingers and mini sandwiches with apple slices and cupcakes for desert. "Looks yummy Haz." I smiled sitting across from him with Carmen.

"I know it's more of lunch foods but I figured something easy would be better." He said taking a bite out of his sandwich.

We finished the food within thirty minutes and the girls were starting to get hyper from the cupcakes thy ate so we let them run around and tired themselves out. I moved next to Harry and rested my head on his shoulder. We just sat there not wanting to break the comfortable silence that had taken over. Or well I didn't at least.

"Did you like it?" Harry asked putting an arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

"I did. Thank you, Harry."

"Well if you'll have me; I'd like to try again. Us. Haria. Or whatever Zayn calls us." he chuckled and looked down at me.

"Harry. There's still things we need to work out but, maybe. It's not a defiant yes but not a no either. can you live with that?" I asked looking up to him with hopeful eyes. I love him and want to be fully us again but I can't yet, I'll try though.

"Of course." He smiled and tilled my head up with the tips of his fingers and placed a gentle kiss to my lips.


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