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"Carmen! We need to leave in thirty minutes make sure you have everything! Same for you Landon and Kenna!" I shouted up the stairs at my three children before going back to the kitchen to finish packing their lunches for the day.

I haven't heard from Harry or Hannah since Saturday and I'm quite thankful for that. I love Harry to death, don't get me wrong, but if he knew about the kids he'd be mad and then if everything went fine they would be stuck in a world that doesn't know the meaning of 'privacy'. And I most certainly don't want that for my kids and Katie didn't want it for Landon.

As I was placing the kids lunch boxes in their backpacks, and putting the backpacks next to the stairs the doorbell rang. Not knowing who was at the door I told Carmen who was running down the stairs to keep Lan and Ken up there.

"Kay mom. Just hurry I can't be late not today." She plead while grabbing her shoes and going back up the steps.


"COMING! God hold your horses. People are busy in the mornings so this better be impor-" I stopped my rambling mid word as I pulled the door open and saw who it was. "And what honor do I get for dealing with you today, Styles?" Ah Harry what a lovely face to see. Note my sarcasm.

"Aria, don't be like that." He said, looking at me with hurt in his eyes.

"I have my rights. So what do you want? I'm busy, it is almost 7 o'clock in the morning, on a school day, Harold." I tell him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I can take Carmen to school if its too much of a hassle for you?" Harry offered.

"No. I'm fine I've done it since she started school and I have to be present today." I tell him, seriously ready to tell him to leave so I can get MaKenna and Landon out the door without him seeing them.

"Well if you won't talk now, when can we? Aria I want to make this work! I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner! I'm sorry I didn't try hard enough to find you sooner! But I'm here now! I want to be there for you and Carmen!" Harry said, his voice going a few notches louder than normal.

"I know that's what you want Harry! I know this! But do you stop and think about what I want? I don't want her to have to be in the spotlight just because you want to come back into our lives! I I I just can't do this right now! You need to leave, please just leave so I can finish this morning run and get to that meeting I have with Carmen's school councilor. Please just go." I started off with my voice raised but ended with a whisper.

"Dinner. You, me, Carmen? We can talk then, figure things out? Please just agree to that and then ill leave." Harry's voice broke.

"I don't know. I need to go though so please leave so I can."

"Okay, fine, I'm going. I'll talk to you later?...bye, love you." Harry whispered and walked away; walked back to his car.

The tears he tried to hide and hold back where now trailing down his cheeks. I saw him wipe them away before I shut the door, leaned back against it and slid down to the floor bringing my knees up to my chest.

"Knew I heard yelling." I heard Carmen sigh. "I feel older than eight here, mom. It was dad at the door wasn't it?" She asked, I nodded.

It's sad when you are twenty-three and your eight-year-old can understands and knows how to make you smile when no one else does or can.

"Turn that frown upside down. We have glad for a reason!" She winked, making me laugh at her cheekiness.

"I swear I have to ask myself sometimes if your really his biological daughter with the cheek you have." I laughed, taking her hand and pulling her into my lap and tickling her.

Our Secrets (sequel to My Secrets)Where stories live. Discover now