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I let about twenty minutes pass before leaving the copy room, papers in hand. When arriving back at my office I unlocked the door to see Landon and MaKenna napping on the couch and Carmen was sitting in Hannah's lap at my desk doing what looked to be homework. I smiled at the two, then shut my office door being sure to also lock it back.

"Finally!! This is not third grade work! I swear I wasn't doing this til sixth! What kind of school do you send her to Aria!?" Hannah asked as she saw I have entered the room.

"That's because it's not third grade work right Carmen?" I winked at my smart little eight year old.

"I'm confused." Hannah said.

"I'm in the third grade because they didn't have room in the fifth grade classes but all my work is fifth grade work." Carmen explained while showing a bright smile.

"I'm very proud of my smart lady bug she skipped two grades Han! Two!" I squealed. Even though it was at the beginning of the school year when she skipped the grades I'm still very happy and proud of Carmen.

"Oh wow! That is quite awesome Carmen! Your very smart! So will I be seeing you when I'm still in collage then?" Hannah asked Carmen.

"Nah, but don't worry I'll be graduating not too far behind you though!" Carmen giggled.

"How much you got left bug?" I asked, walking over to my desk to put the flyers I had printed down and in to their correct folder.

"One page, mommy." She sweetly replied.

"Well good. By time you're done it will be time for you guys to go find your seats for the concert. By the way where is El? Didn't I see her earlier?" I asked Hannah.

"Oh, you did. She should be back soon. She went shopping, asked me to go, but I decided to stay here." Hannah explained.

"Okay then. Carmen, I'll be in the usual spots where we always sit with Lan and Ken. So if you need me or something just have Hannah or one of the security take you up there, okay?" I asked Carmen.

"Kays mommy!" She replied not looking up from her homework. "Can you help me?"

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"Um...150 equals 15 minus 6x."

"Do 15-15, cross that out, then move it over so it 150-15 and take will equal to 135. So the problem will then be 135 equals 6x. Can you get it from there?" I asked her. Man this stuff does look a bit hard for her age.

"Yeah, the answer is 22.5!!" She wrote the answer, then started to put her things away.

"Gosh I did not want a math lesson today! A Saturday of all days!" Hannah whine dramatically.

"Oh hush it Hannah! You love me so you put up with it when you're here." Carmen stuck her tongue out at my best friend.

"Well little smarty pants I think it's time to head out to our seats." Hannah smiled, ready to see her long-term boyfriend preform on stage again.

"Yay! Let's go let's go!" the girl jumped up and pulled Han out the door shouting goodbye and waking her siblings in the process.

"Mommy, I wanna go see them people sing too!!" MaKenna whines as she just woke up.

"We will head to our seats in a minute sweetie. Pack up your stuff though so we won't have to later." I tell her, kissing her head.

"Otay." She yawned grabbing her crayons and other things putting then in her backpack.

I walked over to the couch where my little turtle was, trying to go back to his nap, and sat down next to him. "Wake up turtle can't curl up and sleep forever in your shell." I cooed at him.

Our Secrets (sequel to My Secrets)Where stories live. Discover now