The Talks.

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*Aria's POV*

In Harry's arms I felt safe again, like nothing bad will happen and that everything is okay again. But I knew that wasn't true; everything isn't fine. I know he may not seem mad but it's just being covered up by the emotions of seeing MaKenna for the first time and such.

"Harry?" I asked, face still pressed into his shirt not wanting to let go.


"We still need to talk about all of this." I finally looked up at him and into his eyes. "You may not seem mad about this now, but we need to discuss this. There's a lot to talk about and things that need to be addressed about MaKenna."

"Aria I know. But lets talk later; I think you promised someone swings." He smiled. God, this boy. Wants the kids to be happy before a talk that needs to happen as soon as possible.

"Harold." I warned, knowing he will put this off even longer. "After swings we are going back to my house for dinner and that talk." I told him sternly. "You too Liam!"

"Kay." I heard Liam sniffle say from behind us. Turning around to look at him I saw Liam crouched down in front of the bench Landon was sitting on, with the said boy in his arms crying.

"Awe, my little turtle, you okay buddy?" I left Harry with Ken and Car and went over to Liam and Lan.

"M-mommy!" He cried and flung himself into my arms.

"Shh baby shh it's okay I'm here." I hushed him and rocked him, trying to calm the sobbing toddler.

"Mommy when we go swings!?" MaKenna asked coming up to me and Landon.

"In a minute bear, okay? I have to help Landon." I told the girl at my side.

"What wrong wif my brother!? I help him!" She tried to get him from my arms; to which I just put him down and let Kenna try to calm him. "Lan, you okay?" She asked him and hugged him close. I seriously loved their sibling relationship.

"I'll be okay Kenna. Lets go on then swings." He smiled at her.

"C'mon you two, lets go to the swings!" I laughed and grabbed MaKenna's hand while she held onto Landon's.

The three of us headed off to the swings while Harry, Carmen, and Liam followed behind. We let the three kids play on the swings for a good hour before deciding it was time to head on back to my house to start dinner.

Harry and Liam followed my car on the way back and soon we all arrived at my house. Carmen ran right inside after getting there and went straight upstairs. It was a bit unusual or her to do that kind of thing but I need to start dinner so I'd have to go talk to her in a few minutes.

"Harold! Get out the ingredients for-" I was cut off by two people barging into my house.

"Aria! We brought food!" I heard my oh so lovely sister Aleesia scream and walk into the kitchen where me and the two boys currently stood. "Well aren't I glad we brought extras."

"Why are you glad we brought extras sweetie?" I heard mom ask.

"Aria has a few old friends over." She smirked.

"Aleesia, you finally got your wish. Didn't you?" I asked her.

"Well duh! My sister finally got the guts to tell the father of her child that she exists and that you are sti-"

"Finish that sentence Leesie and you die."

"Oh no she can finish the sentence. I'll make sure she doesn't die." Harry laughed from beside me. Glad he's liking this.

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