Truth comes out...

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*Harry's POV*

As Carmen runs off after Carson the boys give me confused, questioning glances, as if I know what any of what she said meant.

"I have no clue..." I told them, with a real smile.

"Finally! A true smile! I've missed those Haz!" Louis yells.

"Seems like all he needed was a few minutes with Carmen." Liam stated.

"Now only if Aria would believe that I didn't cheat..." I trailed off.


I groggily woke up to my phone ringing on the coffee table in front of me. "Hello?"

"Hello sleepy head!" Aria's voice chirped through the phone.

"Oh uh hi Aria." I said still waking up; having a massive headache.

"We are about to head to the airport where you at Haz?" she asked.

"Babe who is that?" I heard Lou say, she probably thinks I'm Tom.

"Seriously!? Really Harry!? Oh wow lovely! With another girl." Aria screamed into the phone.

"Aria I can explain!" I shouted trying to get her to listen that it was Lou.

"I don't want to hear it Harry! Don't ever call me again and most certainly ask the boys or Hannah how me and Carmen are! We are over! I can't believe you would do this! Oh wait I can! Alls you are is the player of One Direction. I thought you changed...I guess I was wrong. Goodbye Harry..." Her voice broke at the end when she hung up.

Oh god! I'm so stupid! I need to go see them before they leave!

"Harry! I'm so sorry! I thought it was Tom who was on the phone! I hope I didn't cause to much trouble." Lou said as she realized.

"She broke up with me.... I have to go Lou hopefully they aren't gone yet!" I said getting up and running out the room, down the stairs and to the lobby.

I saw Aria and Carmen walking out and was about to run to them, but was stopped by my own mother.

"Harry Edward Styles! I want to know right now, why is that poor child crying her eyes out saying you broke up!" My mum yelled sternly.

After telling them everything that happened I got a few looks and Louis was the only one to speak up. "Give her a few days before you call and then apologize, and tell her what you just told us!"

-End of flashback-

I had tried calling her but her number was changed, twitter deactivated, and I was blocked on her Facebook. She wouldn't speak to any of us and Hannah didn't even have her correct number until after she had gone back home. When Hannah come back to visit she refused to give the number out or tell me anything.

For christmas I sent Carmen two teddy bears, I was only going to send one but some feeling deep down told me another was needed. The only way I knew Carmen was okay was because Aria had sent Hannah a photo of Carmen and the teddy bears after the surgery was done and over with and a caption of 'Carmen says to tell Harry thank you.'.

I was thrown back into reality by Liam's voice. "Harry! Listen! Go talk to her! We have a few spare hours before the show and we can't leave so go explain and get her back."

"I'll try." I said finally standing up from my seated position.

"Well I'm going to look for El and call Immy!" Louis beamed and walked away.

Our Secrets (sequel to My Secrets)Where stories live. Discover now