The Meeting.

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Arriving at the park I looked at my two smiling toddlers in the backseat. MaKenna wearing her dads grey beanie, a white lace spaghetti strap dress with a blue jean jacket over it and her little grey converse. Landon wore his favorite dark grey canvas slip ons, plaid patch shorts and a blue polo to match one of the shades on the shorts.

Carmen was still in her school outfit from earlier; denim shorts, a light blue tshirt with a picture of a bow on it and her plain black converse.

Me and Carmen shared a look before opening our doors and getting out of the car. I helped the two little ones out and then we walked over to the waiting trolley to take us into the actual park. On the trolley already waiting I saw two boys, well they looked like boys, with hoodies and sunglasses on covering up their faces. I'm pretty sure I have a clue who they are.

"Mommy! Can we go on swings?" MaKenna asked me.

"Course sweetie but we have to wait okay?" I said to her as I lifted her onto the vehicle, then Landon.

"Why do we have to wait?" Landon asked.

"Well we have to meet with someone first then swings!" I cheered, even though on the inside I'm totally nervous for what's about to go down.

"Okay!" They cheered.

"Mom. Two weirdos in hoodies are staring at us." Carmen whispered in my ear as we seated.

"Calling your father weird now I see." I whispered to her.

"That's not them!" She whispered.

"Carmen, honey, it is. He done the same thing last time. Hoodie and sunglasses to cover his face from being recognized." I told the girl.

Carmen stayed quiet after that and when we got off so did the other two boys. Me and the three kids walked to the kind of secluded part of the bridge that had a gazebo with benches. I made them sit down on the benches and was about to tell them what was about to happen.

"MaKenna and Landon, there's a few thing I need you to know." I stared.

*Liam's POV*

So close, we were so close to them.

We walked a bit of a distance behind them and I'm pretty sure Aria already knew it was us. As soon as we finally got to where they were at we saw Aria talking to the two.

"MaKenna and Landon, there's a few thing I need you to know." She said to them. "Landon, remember how mommy said 'Someday when you're older Aria will let you meet daddy.'?"

"Yes, mommy said that before she left us." Landon said sadly. Left?

"Well I'm finally going to let you meet him. Mommy would be so happy if she were here." Aria told him and kissed his forehead. Landon wiped his eyes, catching the tears that were falling. "Now, MaKenna. You know the bear, beanie, and necklace you have?"

"Yes mommy. Carmen gave then to me when I was like really little." MaKenna chirped.

"Well sweetie, they weren't exactly from Carmen. They are from your father. The beanie you are wearing was his and the necklace stands for his last name as well." Aria explained to the little girl.

"So daddy has my last name too!?" MaKenna asked. I looked over to Harry who was smiling at his little girl. I don't think he is to mad anymore about them being hidden for so long.

"I guess so!" Aria laughed. "So do you guys want to meet your dads or...?"

"YES!" They screamed.

"Carmen? Who is your daddy? You no have the same last name as me or Lan?." MaKenna looked up to her sister and asked.

Carmen smiled at the little girl. "My daddy is the same as yours, I just don't have his last name."

"Oh." Carmen laughed at her sister and wrapped her in a short hug. The hug probably would've lasted longer if it wasn't for Harry.

He went over to the two girls, picked MaKenna up and hugged her close. "Who are you?" She asked, confused at who Harry was.

"Your daddy." He said.

"Liam?" Aria asked, walking towards me.

I finally took off the sunglasses that I had on; the hood of my jacket long gone from my head. "Hi."

"I'm sorry for not telling you guys sooner. I was going to but then Katie got real bad sick and she didn't want you knowing until I felt ready. Then she dies and leaves and I wasn't in contact with you guys and I'm sorry please don't be mad at me for this. I'm sorry." Aria broke down. I'm not mad at her, maybe a little pissed that she kept this from us but she had her reasons.

"Aria I'm not mad. You had your reasons and I respect that." I told her as I pulled the crying girl in for a hug.

"Hey we want in on this hug!" Harry whined. Aria laughed and left my arms for Harry's.

I looked at the little boy that was still sitting on the bench watching them all interact in front of him. I walked over to him and crouched down. "Hi Landon. Do you know who I am?" I asked. He shook his head no. "I'm your dad." I smiled. His brown eyes lit up and he lunged himself into my arms.

"Daddy." He cried.

"Shhhh it's okay, I'm here now Landon." I said hushing the poor boy.

"Mommy said you'd come one day. I'm glad she was right." He sniffled into my shirt.

"Me too." I said hugging him close. I have my son, now all I have to do is break the news to Imogen. Lets just hope she accepts my proposal when I ask her too.

*A/N: EWWWW it's short!! GAHH this sucks. Well I'm working on more chapters so no worries. Well not at this minute, I'm actually uploading this while making egg rolls for my lovely family! Haha anyways I have Internet unlocked on my phone now also so I can pretty much update whenever I'm free and have a chapter written now!!! Gah! Gotta go so this stuff doesn't burn!! See you laters!!!

-CheyBear. Xx

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